I TP Someone's House

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Dylan Gray POV

When I get home, I try to slip the key into the door as quietly as possible. If my mom hears me come in she'll try to talk to me. That is, if she's not busy having sex with her stupid boyfriend, Brian.

I push the door open slowly and stick my head inside.

"Dylan, is that you?" My mom calls out. How the hell did she hear me? I was so sure I was being quiet.

"Yeah." I call back. As quickly as possible I run upstairs to my room and slam the door.

"Dylan, honey, I need to talk to you." I pretend not to hear her; eventually she gives up and goes back to whatever she was doing before, probably Brian.

Now that I've safely avoided her, I turn some music on and plop down on my bed. One of my favorite songs comes on; Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold.

Since I have nothing better to do, I take out my phone and go on Instagram. For a while, all I do is scroll through my feed, but then I go to the search bar and type in 'dylanfowler'. It takes a little bit to go through all the accounts that pop up, but I can tell once I've found the right one because the profile picture is Dylan making a funny face in front of a black and white background.

Dylan's account is private, which means I can't see any of her posts without requesting to follow her. If I do that, it will give her an alert, telling her I've requested to follow her. I debate whether or not I should do it. On one hand, she might accept it and everything would be fine, but on the other hand, she might decline it and think I'm a creepy stalker, which I kind of am.

"What the hell." I say to myself. In one tap, I've requested to follow her.

For the next minutes, all I do is refresh my screen, hoping to get a notification telling me she accepted, but no such luck.

Tired of waiting, I call my best friend, Liam.

"Hey, dude." He answers.

"Hey, you doing anything?"

"Nah, my mom fuckin' grounded me."

"Again?" I ask, then laugh. Liam's mom is always grounding him. Just last week he got grounded for throwing a  party. Now, maybe throwing the party while his mom was home wasn't the best idea ever, but still.

"Sneak out and meet me at Oak and State street. I've got a surprise."

"Alright dude, be there in ten." Liam says and hangs up. This had better keep my mind off Dylan.

"Where've you been, man? I've been out here for like fifteen minutes!" Liam complains at me when I finally arrive, but I can tell he's not actually bothered by it; he just likes to put on a show.

"Sorry, dude. I had to pick up some shit at Target." I walk around to the back of my car and pop the trunk. Inside are as many rolls of toilet paper as I could possibly fit in there. The cashier must have thought I had crazy diarrhea.

"Aw man," Liam says with excitement, "We're TPing houses, aren't we?"


Liam grabs half the rolls and heads over to the first house on the left side of the street while I grab the other half and go to the right side.

"Let the games begin!" I shout and start throwing my toilet paper at the house. I can't help but get excited. Liam and I like to play this game where we see how many houses we can each TP in the same amount of time. Last time I won, 5-3.

"Oh, you're going down, Gray." Out of the corner of my eye, I see a Liam sized shape dart by and take some of my toilet paper rolls.

"You bitch!" I tell after him, but he simply lifts his middle finger in reply.

It's not long before someone comes out of their house, threatening to call the cops. Liam and I pile into my car, laughing.

"Oh gosh, did you see that guy's face?" I get out in between bursts of laughter. "It was as red as a fucking tomato."

That sends Liam into another rack for laughter. Finally we settle down enough to have a real conversation.

"So, how many'd you get?" I ask. By the look on his face, I can tell I've won.

"I only got two." He says, defeated.

"I GOT FOUR, BITCH! THAT'S TWO IN A ROW NOW!" I yell. Man, it feels good to win. Really good.

"Whatever. Let's just leave."

"Aww, poor little Liam lost. Is he gonna go cry now? Does he need his mommy?" I say in my best baby voice. I even add my best baby face.

"Totally." Liam rolls his eyes at me but laughs.

While I'm driving Liam home, I can't help but think about Dylan. I need to tell someone-I can't just keep it to myself; so I decide to tell Liam. By the time I've finished, we're at his house.

"You're really falling hard for her. Just be careful, man."

"No I'm not." I protest, but Liam's already out of the car and on his porch. All I can do is shake my head and go home.

I'm not falling for Dylan, I swear to fucking God, I'm not.

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