Chapter 1 New Begginings

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             Pit's POV  (point of view)

Hi I'm Pit from Kid Icarus, today is the first time I'm going to be in Super Smash Bros. I'm so excited I'm jumping with joy but there is a problem Lady Palutena is going to be there and she is not so good with mortals but as you say humans. I just hope she won't try to kill any body. I all so herd that Pitto is going to be there im so excited. "Pit....... PIT are you listening?" "Uhhh where you saying something Lady Palutena?" "Yes Pit I said do you have your stuff ready were about to leave?" "Ohhhh no!!!!" I got to my room cause I forgot to finish packing.

(Author speaking, I'm going to say this know but when you see a name like this (name) that means that next line that specific character or characters are going to say that line good know you won't be like heeeeeeee, back to the story)

                       5 mins later

"Are you ready pit pitto" "Don't call me Pitto and yes I'm ready how about you pit" "I'm ready to fly". Lady Palutena opened the door and we were off to the Super Smash Bros Mansion.

                       10 mins later

I looked over and saw the mansion. It looked really big too. "Lady Palutena I see the mansion. (Palutena) "Ok were coming in for a landing." We landed and I saw a hole bunch of people I never seen before. (Pit) "Woah!!" "Pit Pitto I expect both of you on good behavior ok do you understand me." (Pit and Pitto) " Yes Lady Palutena."

We walked into the mansion and I didn't expect it to be so BIG. I looked around amazed when I saw a this girl with blond hair and a bright hot pink dress with heels and next to her was another girl with what looked like reddish brownish hair with a white and purple dress. "Pitto isn't that the girl from the Mario games and the one from the Legend of Zelda games?" Pitto looked the direction I was looking. "Yes i think their names are Peach and Zelda." He pointed to them as he said their names. They looked over to see us staring and ran over to us.

(Peach) "Are you guys newcomers?" Me and Pitto looked at each other noticing that Lady Palutena was gone and talking to a girl with whitish blondish hair with a blue dress and what looked like a star next to her. I looked back at them. "Yes we are newcomers im Pit and this is Pitto." I pointed to Pitto as I said his name and he looked mad at me. "I said stop calling me that and my name is Dark Pit." He smacked me in the head. "Hey what was that for!!!" I looked over at Pitto pissed off. "That's for calling me Pitto."

I looked at zelda and peach. (Pit) "I'm sorry for use talking so much what are your names." "Hi I'm Zelda and this is Peach." So Pitto was right. (Peach) " You have such beautiful wings may I touch them." I looked over to Pitto and back at Zelda and Peach. "Pitto doesn't like people touching him but you can touch my wings if you like." They walked over to me and touched my wings in a sertain spot that made me purr and everyone was looking at us. I quikly covered my mouth so that I could stop the noise. (Zelda and Peach) ".... That Was So CUTEEEEE!!!!!" Zelda and Peach were now touching my wings in different places. IM SOOOO EMBARRASSED. (Pit) "Ummmm can you plzz stop." They both looked at how embarrassed I was and stopped. (Zelda) "We are sososososoosoooooooo sorry." (Pit) "Its ok but just don't touch my wings in front of people ok." (Zelda) "Ok."

I noticed that Peach was looking around like something was missing. (Zelda) "Peach what's up?" Peach looks at us. (Peach) "Were did Pitto go???" I looked around noticing that Pitto was gone to. (Pit) "Hehe, Pitto likes to sneak away when no ones looking." Peach sighed glad that Pitto wasn't missing. (Peach) "Hey Pit when it's time for dinner do you want to sit with us?" (Pit) "Sure." They both looked really happy.

Then I saw this big hand fly into the middle of the room. "Hello I'm Master Hand and if you have any auestions ask me if you dont then the girl dorms are to the left and boy dorms to right, you can get your room key and what floor your on at the front desk, no changing rooms without my permission, the cafeteria is down the hall to the right and dinner will be served at 6:00 until then the time is yours to explore, make new friends, or train you may go." Trying to soak up all the information I looked around the room to find the nearest clock. (Pit) "3:10 huh", I said in a whisper. (Peach) "Pit me and Zelda are going to stand in line wana come." I looked at Peach and Zelda. (Pit) "Sure."

We were walking to get in line when I bumped into a person.

(Pit) "I'm so sorry!!!" I look up and see a tall but not to tall mad with a green hat and tunic with elf ears and the most beautiful ocean blue eyes I ever seen. (Link) "No I'm sorry." He looked over and saw Zelda and Peach. (Link) "Hey Zelda hi Peach." He said with a wave. (Zelda) "Hey Link this is Pit, Pit this Link."Well nice to meet you Link" I put my hand out to shake and he takes it. "Nice to meet you to Pit." OMG HIS HAND IS SO SOFT!!!!!. We let go of each other's hands but I wish I could have held his hand lon--- WHAT AM I SAYING. (Link) "Well I gotta go to my dorm see ya!!!" Link starts so walk away. (Pit,Peach, and Zelda) "Bye Link."

I'm a little disappointed he left but I'll probally see him at the cafeteria. (Pit) "Let's go stand in line." Me, Peach, and Zelda start to walk to the line to get our room keys and what floor we are on while we talk about how life is and me learning some peoples names and what they look like.


That was the end of chapture one I'll probally make chapture two soon I hope you enjoyed plz comment and tell me if u liked It or you can tell me some of your ideas you would change. THANKS FOR READING YOU GUZ MAKE MY DAY.😄😄😄😄😄😄😄

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