Chapture 2 I have a Crush?

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                         Links POV

Wow is all I can say right know. Just wow. I heard there was going to be a Angel in the game but I didn't think he would look that.....pretty. Oh by the way I'm Link from the Legend of Zelda games. Well, I'm walking by to go walk with my friends to go to our rooms. (Link) "Hey guys!" (Author speaking I have no idea what their personalitys our like so I'm going to just think up what their like from fanfics I read. XD.) (Roy) "Hey what's up!!" (Link) "Nothin much." (Marth) "Hi." Ike walks over to me and puts a arm around my shoulder. (Ike) "What took ya so long, meet a pretty girl and got her number for me huh." Where does he get this stuff from?

(Link) "No i didn't meet a girl actually I meet this guy named Pit and he is a Angel. (Marth) "I think I heard angels were supposed to be coming this yea-"  (Roy) "What did he look like?" (Marth) "You couldn't let me finish my sentence could you!!!" (Roy) "NOPE!!" (Ike) "So what did he look like?" (Link) "Well,......he had brown hair with beautiful blue eyes,.... and big but not so big wings,... ohh he wore brown sandles with brown metal cuffs,..... and a white chito or tunic... And that's it." (Author again i know your tired of me but i searched this stuff up ok :3) Now that i think about it he does look really se-- what am I talking about do i really like him like that!?!

I look up to see them starimg at me. (Link) "What is it?" (Roy) "I think our little linkie boy has a CRUSH on somebody." I have a little pink blush on my checks. (Link) "N-no i-i-i don't have a-a cru-crush on anyone!!" They all are still staring at me and Ike is smirking. WHY THE FUCK IS IKE SMIRKING!!

(Ike) "Ok ok let's do we will all see what room number we have then we will go to links room to talk about this instead in the open where people can hear us sound good." (Roy an Marth) "I'm good about that how about you guys." They look at each other than we start to laugh. (Link) "Ok ok sound good." I wipe a tear from my eye cause I was laughig so hard I started to cry. (Ike) "On the count of three we pull out our room number, 1." (Link) "2" (Roy and Marth) "3!" We all pulled out our cards and start to laugh. (Ike) "WOW we all are right next to each other." My number was 346, Roy and Marths number were 347, and Ikes was 348. How ironic.

We ended up coming to my room later so we could unpack since we were right next to each other. I walk In my room with my bags already there. I looked around the room with two beds and dressers on the sides them, a t.v. with everysingle game and game system, over all it was a pretty big room. "Wow" is all I could say. I walk in the bathroom to see a bath tub/ shower, a toilet of course  and a sink. "Ok lets start unpacking."

I walk to my bags and start getting my clothes out and putting them in my dresser. Then I got my toothbrush and put that on the sink. After that i got my weapons and put those in a safe spot then I got on my phone and texting the others how they were doing cause I was to tired to walk next door and ask. (Author again this is the texting on their phones cay ;I) LinkIsABoss: hey you guz done? DarthMarth: I'm done but Roy is having problems. XD MikeInIkes: (Author again you see what I did their the candy MikeInNites, MikeInIkes IM DYIN okay I'll stop know) I HATE MY ROOM I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT MY WEAPONS😡😡😡😡😡😡😡. LinkIsABoss: can't help you there bud your on your own RoYTheDoi: I AM FINISHED FINALLY DarthMarth: took you long enough. Lol. MikeInIkes: FUCK it im putting my weapons in one of my clothes drawers.

I was about to text something when I got a nock at mt door. "Who is that?" I get up off of my bed going to answer the door. I open it to see Roy and Marth. (Link) "Hey you can come in." (Marth) "Thanks." They walked in as i was about to close the door a foot got in the way. (Link) "What the he--"  I open the door to see Ike looking  pissed as fuck right know. (Ike) "You almost closed the door on me there." (Link) "Sorry." Ike walked in the room and sat on my bed.

(Roy) "Looks like your roommate isn't here yet." I totally forgot I was going to have a roommate just noticing his bags on the side I his bed. But know that i think about it who is going to be my roommate anyway? I'll figure out soon. (Ike) "-ink .... LINK!!!" I jolted my head up. (Link) "What." (Ike) "Who do you think your roommate is going to be?" (Link) "To be honest I have no idea."

(Roy) "Hey guys wanna play truth or dare?" (Marth, Link, Ike) "Sure" (Link)  "Who is going to start?" (Ike) "I will uhhh Marth truth or dare?" (Marth) "Truth." (Ike) "Ok then."
                   5 minutes later lol
(Ike) "I got one, is it true that you are gay?" (Roy) WHAT THE FUCK KINDA QUESTION IS THAT!!" (Ike) "I don't know I couldn't think of one." (Link) "So you ask him if he is gay?" (Ike) "Just anwser the question are you gay or not?" We waited for a little bit. (Marth) "Dude, I'm straight what kinda quetsion was that?" (Ike) "I don't know just go already."

(Marth) "Ok ok uhh link truth or dare." (Link) "Truth cause I know if I pick dare you quys are gonna fuck me up." (AUTHOR, Don't take it the wrong way cause I know most of you have very VERY dirty minds XP) They started laughing. (Marth) "Ok uhh...... who Is your crush and be honest." FUCK, what would they say if I told them I had a crush on a Angel, to be precise Pit. Do I tell them the truth or lie, well the point of the game Is truth or dare so I do have to anwser honestly. What if they dont like me anymore then what would I do if th---" (Roy) "Link we are not going to make fun of you or turn on you In anyway just because you like the different gender ok." I nodded. (Link) "Ok, I like Pit ok don't tell anybody please." (Ike) "Why would we do that we are your best friends we wouldn't tell anybody if you asked us not to ok." Link looked down and sighed. (Link) "I thought you guess wouldn't like me anymore and leave me I was ju--" (Marth) "We would never leave you beacuse you like a guy what kinda friends would we be then?" (Link) "Your right." We started to laugh then we heard the door click and stoped and looked tords the door waiting for it to open.

Thank you for reading this long chapture comment who you think links roommate is going to be you guz probally already know any way you guz are lucky right know it's 2:45 a.m. i stayed up to write this and type this for you guz thanks for reading and good night or have a wonderful day.

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