Chapter 3 Roomy Time

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Pits POV

Me, Zelda, and Peach finally got out room keys and what floor we were on and just got out of line. (Pit) "I'll see you guys at dinner!" I said as I was walking away. (Peach) "Bye see you at dinner!" Peach said as she and Zelda waved. I started walking to my dorm as I saw a clock. "I wonder what time it is?" I got a little closer and it read 4:35. "WHAT!! I'VE BEEN STANDING IN LINE FOR A HOUR AND 20 MINUTES!?!" I got to hurry so I can still have time to place stuff around my room. I started to run so I could get to my room faster but of course I trip over my own foot.

I fall to the floor with a big loud thud. "OW OW OW OWWWWWWW!!" Someone in one of the dorms opened the door and rushed over to me. (Pitto) "PIT are you ok?" (Pit) "Is that you pitto?" (Pitto) "Yes I'm going to ask you questions to make sure you didn't damage your brain." (Pit) "Ok" (Pitto) "Ok, were are we?" (Pit) "In smash bros mansion." (Pitto) "What color are your eyes and hair?" (Pit) "Eyes blue hair brown." (Pitto) "Know what color are mine." (Pit) "Eyes red hair brown." (Pitto) "Ok can you stand up straight?" (Pit) "I think so." I get up but there are scrapes on my knees. (Pitto) "Ok let's go in my room and put bandages over those." (Pit) "Ok"

We walk in his room and I see this guy with blonde hair and blue eyes with a red and black outfit on playing on his phone. (Pit) "Pitto who is that?" I point at him. Pitto slapped my hand away. (Pitto) "First it's impolite to point and second that's shulk, shulk (shulk looks over) this is pit, pit that's shulk." (Shulk) "Hi pit" (Pit) "Hi" (Pitto) "Pit go sit on my bed while I go get the first-aid kit." (Pit) "Ok" I walk over to pitto's bed and sit on it. (Skulk) "Hey pit you ok?" I look over to him. (Pit) "Yeah I just tripped while I was running to my dorm that's all." Pitto comes back and bends down by my knees and gets Neosporin to help it heal.

(Pitto) "And why were you running in the first place?" (Pit) "You see I was walking to my dorm and I looked at the clock and it read 4:35 and I needed to hurry so I can put my stuff around my room and tripped over my foot and that's how I'm here." Pitto finish putting a bandage on my right knee and got up then he smacked me in the head and bended down to my left knee. (Pit) "What was that FOR!?!" I looked down at pitto. (Pitto) "Thats still no reason for you to run in the Halls dumbass.

I started to rub my head. (Shulk) "Uhh pit you know it's 4:56 and dinner is like an hour right." I looked over to him. "WHAT!?!" You know what they say time flies by when you're having fun. I rushed to the door and I was about to open it but then I stopped. (Pit) "Ohh Pitto thanks for bandaging my knees and it's nice to meet you shulk now if you excuse me I got to go." I close the door without getting a response and ran to my dorm once again.

340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, BINGO. I finally made it to my dorm room 346. As I try to catch my breath I hear laughs coming from the other side of the door. (Pit) "What the?" I put my room key in and heard a click and started to open the door. I opened it to see four guys on the floor all looking at me. (Pit) "........... Uhhh quick question which one of you is my actual roommate?" (Link) "That's me." I look over and see link is the one who said that. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. (PIT) "Is that you link?" (Link) "Yeah is that you pit?" I nod.

(Ike) "Well this just got awkward pretty fast." I look over to the guy who said that. Marth smacked him in the head. (Marth) "Thats rude, by the way I'm Marth, this is Ike, that's Roy, and you already know Link. I looked as he pointed to each one of them as he said their names. (Pit) "I'm pit and just to ask what time is it?"

Roy looks at his phone. (Roy) "Its 5:10." I started to walk over and start to get my clothes out of my bag. (Pit) "Ok thanks I'm going to start un packing so don't mind me." I started to put my clothes in my drawer. (Link) "Do need any help." I looked over to him. (Pit) "No but thank you anyway."

(Ike) "Do you guys want to play Super Mario 3D World?" (Link) "I CALL LUIGI" (Ike) "I CALL MARIO" (Roy) "I GET TOAD" (Marth) "I guess I'll be Princess Peach." Roy turned on the game and they started to play. I just finished putting up my clothes when I got my weapons out. (Pit) "Where should I put my weapons?" (Link) "What was that pit?" (Pit) "Nothing" I looked around the room trying to find a place to put my weapons but I dropped it. Ike looks over. (Ike) "Pit are you ok?" I look over to see them staring. (Pit) "I'm fine I just drop my weapon." (Marth) "Be careful and are you okay." I gave them a reassuring look. (Pit) "I'm fine and I'll be more careful." (Roy) "Call us if you need any help ok." (Pit) "Ok."

I bend down to pick up my weapon then it hit me why don't I put my weapon under my bed it will be easier to find if I forget where I put it and it will be easier to grab if an intruder comes. (Marth) "Is everything okay that you've been on the ground for a little bit." (Pit) "Everything's okay just found where to put my weapon. (Ike) "And where is that?" (Pit) "Under my bed." (Link) "Ok ask us if you need anything" (Pit) "Ok by the way what time is it." I start to get up and look over to link. (Link) "Hold up......... it's 5:43." (Pit) "Ok I'm almost done I just need to put my toothbrush on the sink. (Roy) "Ok." I put my toothbrush on the sink and walk out to the boys and sit next to link. (Pit) "Can we play a game we all can play?" (Roy) "How about Mario Party 10 and we play Bowser party." (Marth, link and Pit) "Sure" (Ike) "I'll put the game in." Ike put the game in and we started to play with Roy as Bowser since he suggested the game Ike was DK, Marth as spike, Link as Yoshi, and I was Toad.

That was the end of chapture three thanks for reading and I'm sorry that this was so late it was my fault on that part because I was too lazy to type it but anyway thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed and please comment down below if you liked it or not and thank you. 😄😄😄😄😄😄

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