Stan and Bella's Tips and Tricks to Wattpad

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*camera turns on*

*Stan and Bella are sitting on the bed*

Stan: Hey everyone! Welcome to Stan and Bella's Tips and Tricks to! My Graunty Mabel told me about a thing she used to do as a kid called Mabel's Guide to, and I thought it sounded cool so me and Bella here are starting our own.

Bella: Our first question is from RiaItUiaHBGB. "How do you get followers on Whatpad?"

Stan: What's that?

Bella: It's a website where you can publish stories. So considering you're actually writing stories, that's the best place to start. It's also a good idea to comment a lot and reply to any comments you get on your stories. Also use lots of hash tags and a good description.

Stan: Boring! This sounds like a nerd thing.

Bella: Well it kinda is if you consider being smart a nerd.

Fiddleford: *from behind camera* Ain't like that's a bad thing, neither.

Bella: So that's it for this episode. Send in more questions if you have any!

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