The invitation

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this book and all rights go to the cw and DC Comics.

Kara's Pov

Kara was sitting on the couch in her apartment while watching Netflix.Barry had left earth 38 for quite a few weeks already.Kara's life was brighter than it was then with her regaining the city's trust.Although,kara sometimes can't seem to forget about how the speedster always was there for her during those bad times.Suddenly,A voice had caught kara's attention.A brunette was standing in front of her,it was her sister Alex.

"Hey Kara...."Alex said

"Hey...Hey...Hey Alex."I said

Alex sat on the sofa next to kara.

"I've been standing in front of you while calling your name for the past few minutes but you seem as if you can't hear me,which is quite ironic as you have super hearing."Alex said to me while giving me a look of disbelief.

"Ha...ha...Very funny,Alex."I said to my foster sister sarcastically

"So what have you been thinking about that even your superhearing couldn't hear me."Alex asked me the curiousity in her almost exploding.

"Oh...It's nothing."I said hoping that Alex wouldn't press on about the matter but Alex being my hard-headed sister decided that she wasn't stopping until she got an answer from me.

"Kara,you know that I am your sister and I can tell when you are telling a lie.Come on...Out with it."Alex said to me which came out more of an order than a request.

"Ugh..Fine,you win."I said while I put my hands up in the air in disbelief

"So??What is it?"Alex asked me like a little girl asking and waiting for something that she desired.Sometimes I think that Alex is more like a little kid than anything.

"I have been thinking about Barry."I told Alex

"Barry??Which Barry?"Alex asked me still full of curiousity

At first I thought that it was weird that Alex doesn't know who Barry is but then I remembered that Alex was on the run with J'onn when Barry came to this earth.

"I think you're gonna want to sit down for this one."I told Alex as I began telling about how barry arrived at her earth and was stuck and the battle with livewire and silver banshee.I ended the story with the part where I helped in sending Barry back to his earth.

After telling the whole story,Alex's reaction was just"wow"

"And that is Barry Allen from Earth 1."I told Alex

" that I know who is Barry Allen,I have to ask what about him?"Alex asked me

"It's just...I don't know why,but I can't stop thinking about him.How he understood what I was going through as a superhero and also as a normal person."I said

Alex looked at her sister for a while. Ever since Kara had helped Alex get through a part in her life to be able to be with Maggie,Alex had always appreciated her sister and made a promise to her self to try to help her in every single way possible.As such,Alex made up her mind to help her sister to solve her problem by supporting her.Alex put a hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Kara,whatever you might be feeling about barry or anyone else,just know that I will always be there for you no matter the problem."Alex told me

"Thanks Alex."I thanked her.

"Well,I think that we are overdue for a movie night.How about Homeland??"Alex suggested hoping to get Kara to forget about the previous topic for a while.

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