Chapter 4

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*Natasha's POV* Winter break is over. It is the morning before school, I set my hair in a fish-tail braid. I wear a pair of carmel leather boots, an Aztec like cardigan, and a set of black leggings. Jaime pulls up in my drive-way I hop in his car, "Good Morning," he says. Back to where we began, public school. For a while in middle school they took me out and taught me english during art. Today is going to be a good day. Jaime gets my tuba and puts it in the back of the car, concert band season. He just has his flute in his bag. Back to band today after 2 weeks, finally. We share a bottle of Neuro-Energy, we only have 2 classes together sadly Band and Social studies. I get to home-room, that being math. A new kid walks in, apparently his name is Mike, he has cyber-bites and dark-longish hair. The whole class period he is a great participant, he ends up sitting by me. I must talk to him after class. "Hi, I am Natasha and I am going to assume you're new or you are a ghost." I hate my Soviet sense of humor. He laughs "No, my name is Mike, and yes I am new." I like this kid. In band I find out he is on drumline. He is pretty good. After class he seems shocked that I am a tuba player, he says he has always wanted to play the tuba.

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