Happiness Is Bliss

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You know that feeling? The feeling that everyone experiences sometime in their life. The feeling you get when you're at a party and you feel lonely in a crowd filled room. That uneasy, empty darkness that dwells in your stomach. The "I don't belong here." thought that swirls around in your brain. I've always felt that. I've always felt that around everyone. I guess it's because for the longest time people just don't get my humor, or how I talk, or how I look. I'm insecure. But with these guys? It's different. Oh man oh man, it's different. Being with them, it's indescribable. But to try, it's like a fart you have been holding in for a long time and then releasing. It's refreshing. Maybe that was a bad analogy, comparing these guys to a fart. Oh, whatever. Being with them, makes me, comfortable. I can be myself. It's been a while, but I'm finally happy. And it's all thanks to these guys. Even you guys, that I've only met once. You guys make me happy. I'm glad. That I could say with a smile on my face that I'm finally happy.

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