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I️t feels like it was yesterday where we were sitting next to each other in the 5th grade talking about shit only 5th graders would talk about. Where we spent countless hours playing games, even to the point where I was sickly I️ll in the hospital bed. To the point where we'd pull all nighters just to see each other online and play. On some days, we didn't even communicate with each other and yet for some reason the silence wasn't awkward. I still enjoyed I️t just as much as if we were actually talking. From all of those nights not sleeping and playing, my vision started to deteriorate, and my sleep schedule began to fuck up. Before you ask, no, I don't regret I️t one bit. I enjoyed every second being with you and to this day I still want more. But that was years ago. 5 to be exact. As the years have gone by, the game we revolved our after school life with, was no longer the new craze. I️t was dying, and so was our friendship. The times were changing, and so did we. You and I went to different schools, made new friends, and played other games. And although we may never be able to go back to how we once were, I will always look back and be proud to call you my best friend.
Here's to our five year anniversary of being best friends.
To us. A couple of losers  with a multitude of adventures only WE know about.
Thank you for being my friend and making my middle school years unforgettable.
I truly miss you.

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