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"You love your writing, but it gets buried under your Designing..."


Hollie, Rachel and Sarah here to talk about the pressures of being both a designer and a writer ^-^


hollie ::-

So, on Wattpad I started writing about half a year before I found the MDC and started designing book covers. My only book trickled along in reads during that time. However, when I started designing I had a payment of 'an honest comment on one of my books'.One of the books I named as payment (hopefully not going too off topic here cx) had quite a few chapters but little reads in comparison to the amount of chapters. When people came to look at it they'd read the description, leave a short comment on it, then leave the book entirely once they had their graphic.I guess what I'm trying to say is that quite a few of them didn't read any of the book (including the description) and it made me kinda upset that they didn't want to check out, my writing, just my graphics ^-^

rachel ::-

don't get me wrong, i love designing and it's opened so many doors for me which i'm beyond grateful for. But...I'm a writer. I joined wattpad to write. to improve, to connect with writers, to share my crazy, evil stories with other readers. yet the e-dust gathering on my novel has pushed it into the dark, unloved abyss of wattpad where readers don't dare travel. and so, unfortunately, to bring more exposure to my work, i've unpublished my graphic book to focus on my number one love: writing. 

sarah ::-

yeah... about that. This is probably my main problem with being a designer-writer: I love doing both, but writing means a whole lot more to me: designing is more of a light hobby, and I suppose that writing feels a whole lot more personal and it comes from me directly, straight out of my brain. When I find it difficult to write a chapter or continue writing, I tend to get swept up in designing and I procrastinate like that. It's a real shame for me and I constantly kick myself for it, but sometimes I just can't help it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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