{Chapter Fifteen}

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June 25, 1942 -Steve Rogers 

I had just finished another production as Show Girl Captain America for the soldiers. Well, at least a speech to 'motivate them'. 

I felt used and stupid. I wasn't the person I wanted to be. I wasn't the soldier that I tried so long, and risked so much to be. Instead I punch fake Hitlers all over America and are in comics. 

It had started to rain in Italy, causing the show to be canceled for the soldiers. Thank God. I sat alone on the back stage in my overcoat, sketching in my book. 

I had nothing else to do but be the show monkey that I draw repeatably. I sighed as I finished sketching the crowd hanging me by my toes over the sea. I had nothing else to do than still be bullied by men that I'm now bigger than. 

Where's Buck and Yuliya right now? Where's someone I can talk to at least? 

"Hello Steve." I turned around at the sudden voice that dragged me from my un-restful mind. 

I turned to see Peggy standing behind me with a small smile. "Hi." 


"What are you doing here?" I asked not wanting to come off to rude, but hoping she didn't see what happened out on stage. 

"Officially I'm not here at all," She said with a smile. "That was quite the performance." She added quickly. 

"Damn," I whispered. "Yeah, uh...I..had to improvise a bit. Crowds I'm used to are usually...uh..twelve." I responded, causing Peggy to silently chuckle. 

"I understand you're 'Americas New Hope'." She said with a gentle smile. 

"Bond sales take a ten percent bump in every state I visit." I sighed while placing the pen clip on the paper. 

"Is that Senator Brandt I hear?" She asked sarcastically. 

"At least he's got me doin' this. Phillip would have me stuck in labs." I looked out a the pouring rain, not wanting Peggy to see a chow girl, but a man. 

"And these are your only two options? A lab rat or a dancing monkey? You were meant for more than this, you know?" I could feel her gaze on my notebook. I don't respond,which causes worry to wash over Peggy. "What?"

"You know for the longest time I dreamed about coming overseas and being on the front lines. Serving my country. I finally get everything I wanted, and I'm wearing tights. I was pulled from my conversation by Honking, as an ambulance arrives with wounded soldiers. Peggy and I turning to watch them pass. "They look like they've been through hell."

 "These men more than most. Schmidt sent out a force to Azzano. Two hundred men went up against him and less than fifty returned." She responded with a short gaze. "Your audience contained what was left of the one-o-seventh. The rest were killed or captured."

 Worry rushed through me at the name."The one-o-seventh?"

 I quickly stand and race toward Phillips tent. "What?" Peggy called as I raced away. 

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