The tree and the elf

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The sounds of wardrobes being open and closed and stomping feet fill the air. Its coming from a giant moonlight white tree with grey leaves. The tree, who almost seems to touch the clouds, borrows In between the curling branches and leaves a house. Its just big enough for a human to live in. The rare type of tree only grows during full moons, this tree has been here since the birth of the woods it stands in. About 130 years ago a creature of the woods left a little basket at the roots from the tree, in the basket was an elf baby. The kindhearted tree ,who stood bright but lonely peeking out above all the other young trees, decided to care of the young baby elf. The young elf, who had blue hair as dark as the night and a pale skin, opened its eyes when the tree lifted the basket, placing it in the very middle of itself. The baby laughed when some of the dark leaves from the tree fell in it's basket. The tree cared for the baby as if it was their own, it fed the baby with its fruits and stored up rainwater and called her Luna. It played with the baby by shaking its branches. In the years the tree cared for the young elf, the tree starded growing a house around the basket, formed by the baby's character. The house was made from the white wood of the tree in a ball with several around the biggest ball. On top it had carefully let its dark leaves grow.  It was a pretty sight, it was almost like there were snowballs in the tree if you were able to see trough the leaves. The tree had carefully grown thick branches and leaves around the house to protect the young elf. 

The years passed and Luna grew up, since elves can become more then 1000 year the process was slow. The fruits and water from the tree had caused some strokes from the elf's dark hair to become lighter, it gave her a kind look. Luna, who looked like a human child from around 13, was curious about the world outside the woods. The tree had told her stories about white forests where it was cold, places made of sand and rocks and forests made of water. Creatures who where half animal, camouflaged with the woods or living underwater. She wanted to see the woods herself instead of listen to the stories and meet the creatures. Once she asked the tree if she could go to the woods, where the tree replied with "Maybe when your older.".  Now on her 130th birthday the tree asked her if she still wanted to see the different kinds of forests. The elf looked up and replied with a bright smile "Yes of course I want to see them!". The tree shook its leaves in a way that looked like a chuckle and told her what she had to gather for her journey. Now the young elf is done stomping trough her house and walks down the stairs of her home. She stops in front of the mighty tree she calls her mother. The tree was sad but proud, she had raised a child who has become such a pretty creature. "Be carefull of the other living beings Luna." the tree had told her. She gave her a golden necklace with a purple-ish stone with a silver core and a golden tree braided on it. "Dont forget to come back home, I'll be watching over you." the tree told her before stroking her face one last time with one of her branches. "I will mom" Luna replied and touched the tree's brench before letting go, turning around and walking away into the forest. The tree watched her fade away in the distance and blend in with the green colors of the forest thanks to her cape.

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