Log entry 2

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Hey! Sarah here :)
So at the moment Steve is beginning his story. If you didn't catch that part at the end of the last log entry, he is having a few ... Well, gay, thoughts. Is he ready for how strong they'll be by the end of this? Maybe not...

I first met Bucky when I was just a kid, maybe 10 years old. That must have been... 1928? We were in the same class for school, and although we didn't talk much, we were friendly.

It was a specific day, the day we became friends - best friends, because I had no others. I was getting beat up again, no big deal. The bullies were from my class, but they were only bigger than me because of how scrawny I was ( I was also the youngest in my class, but I really was just tiny ) At the time, of course, I had no idea why they wanted to hurt me, but I realised later that some people were just like that, they would just pick on the weakest kid and get joy out of making him cry.

I was proud to say I never cried, at least not in front of the bullies. That particular day, it was especially hard though, to stop the tears. I was backed up in an alley near the school, with three guys throwing punches and kicks at whim, even after taking all my money. I was putting up the best fight I had, but the pain was tremendous. I yelled out, once, and that must've been what Bucky heard. He came running up to the boys, and started to attack them viciously. They soon ran, not wanting to take him on.
It was the first time someone had helped me, despite the numerous people who must have known about the beatings. I felt such gratitude, and I still feel it know. I was at a point in my life where I really needed someone on my side, and he was a lifesaver.


I grew up without a father; he died before I was born, killed in action. For that reason, I never really missed him. My mother worked long hours to put food on the table, and I suppose Bucky became a parent and role model in her absence. I looked up to him, and goodness knows what he saw in me, but he stayed with me the whole time. We became inseparable, always together.

Bucky - as I started calling him - was almost my complete opposite in some ways. Dark hair, attractive, great at sports, he had the whole lot. He would've been popular if he hadn't stuck by me, but we couldn't be separated. We ended up going to the same high school in Brooklyn, and he dropped out while I continued on to art school for a year.

Anyway, high school is a different chapter. Maybe I'm just making excuses because of the ...feelings that need addressing, but I should end this log entry now. God knows if I'll get any sleep at all.

-Beep. Log entry ended and saved-

Hope you liked this entry! No romantic feelings yet, but Steve knows that he's gonna have to admit them soon...

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