Chapter 6

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"Okay this is besides the point, we need to talk about something that happened." Riley said. Lucas and Zay looked at her as if to tell her to go on.
"Okay well, last night I swear I heard pacing outside, it was happening for over an hour. Finally I went to see what it was. I saw a note in the floor and I picked it up. When I stood up whoever it was was right outside." She said holding up the note.
"She came and got me and as soon as I got there it took off." Farkle finished.
"Yeah, I think it's what Maya ran away from. Why else would they stalk us specifically?" She said crossing her arms.
"Riley chill out, it may have just been some creep. Will you read the note?" Lucas asked.
"Hey guys hope you got a good nights rest because today you are going to Busch Gardens, please try to have fun. It'll be great I swear. The note though is in the Royal Palace Theatre it's under one of the seats but it's your job to figure it out! Don't rush you have plenty of time. -xoxo Maya." Riley read as four tickets dropped from the note.
"I've always wanted to go to Busch gardens." Zay smiled.
"Yeah it'll be fun! Hurry up lets get ready so we can go." Lucas said. All four walked back to their rooms and began to change. About 30 minutes later they were all finally ready to leave. The trip was going to be about 3 hours so they needed to leave by 11 to actually get any park time in. They all left the room and got into Lucas's car.
"Busch gardens here we come." Lucas smiled as he got in the drivers seat. Suddenly Riley began to get a call from an unknown number.
"What do I do?" She asked.
"Answer it." Farkle said. Riley pressed answer and gulped. Farkle pressed speaker phone. There was no voice to be heard, only silence.
"Hello?" Riley asked.
"Hello?!" She asked again more forcefully. Then the call ended.
"That was weird." Riley said as she stared at her phone.
"Eh probably just some kids prank calling." Say said waving it off.
"Yeah your probably right, now let's go have some fun." Riley said smiling again. They took off happily with Riley a little unnerved by the whole phone call. When they got to Busch gardens their first thought was to find Maya's note but Zay insisted on riding the griffin before anything.
"It's a giant drop! We get to hang over the edge! You know you want too!" Zay said poking Lucas in the chest.
"Fine! But then we find the note swear!" Lucas said.
"I swear I swear!" Zay promised as he dragged his friends towards the ride. They waited in line for two and a half hours before finally getting in the middle of the the ride. It was Zay, Lucas, Farkle and then Riley.
"Hands people!" Riley screamed as the ride started moving. She grabbed Farkle's hand,then Lucas's hand, and Lucas grabbed Zay's hands. As they towered over the massive drop Riley screamed an ear piercing scream. The picture was truly great, it had Riley with her mouth wide open mid-scream, Zay with this crazed look in his eye, Farkle with his eyes squeezed shut, and last but not least Lucas looking the least bit interested.

"Can we go find the freaking note now." Lucas said unhappily.
"Lucas, Maya said to try to have fun. We will get to her soon I swear." Riley said smiling at Lucas. He smiled back and shrugged.
"Alright. Let's go once we find it we can have some fun I swear." Lucas said smiling at them.
"Alright then let's head to that amphitheater." Farkle said smiling. As they were walking Zay spotted an ice cream shop and begged to get some chocolate ice cream. Finally after ordering two scoops and Farkle and Riley ordering one scoop of Strawberry for Farkle and vanilla for Riley. Lucas pulled out the old camera and took a picture of Farkle and Riley eating their ice cream and Zay making a stupid face. Lucas laughed as he showed them the picture until they finally made it to the amphitheater. It was in between show times so they had the whole place to themselves. There were 4 groups of seats in the front and 4 in the back, each one was a 26 by 26 chairs.
"I'm thinking of a pattern. Maybe with 26 by 26 the alphabet has 26 letters so maybe it would be like the alphabet. Okay everyone check for 13 over and 8 up."
"What does that stand for?' Lucas asked as he began walking to one of the rows.
"M.H." Farkle replied as he checked the group of chairs. After about 15 minutes Riley popped her head up and screamed.
"Over here! I think I've found it." Riley smiled as she waved the piece of paper in her hand.

"It was Farkle right? I knew he'd figure it out. He's such a genius you know. Now the next clue will be located at the Alpine Ski Lodge in Bowling Rock, NC. I got you all a stay in the lodge it was pretty cheap actually. Nice little place. The owner is a nice woman her name is Haley. Ask for Maya Hart and she'll give you the note for the slopes. Mainly because I can't be positive if its position won't change while on the slopes. Haley was an old internet friend I met her while back. Anyways have fun on the slopes. -❌⭕️❌⭕️ Maya

"I've always wanted to learn how to ski." Lucas said smiling.
"I feel like snowboarding would be amazing!" Farkle said thinking happily.
"I want to have a snowball fight." Zay laughed.
"Zay!" They all yelled.
"Cmon guys lets go ride some more rides before heading out." Riley said happily. She grabbed Farkles hand and dragging him along and out of the amphitheater. Zay and Lucas looked at each other and gave each other the 'oh they is so gonna get together.' look.

After they rode all the rides Busch gardens has to offer they headed off. It was almost a 6 hour drive to the lodge so they strapped I'm and headed out. Eventually Riley fell asleep with her head on Farkles lap with him stroking her hair delicately, while keeping up a conversation about the best ice cream flavor. Zay said chocolate, Lucas was Rocky Road, and Farkle was strawberry all the way. Finally they arrived at the Lodge at about 1 am. Farkle shook Riley awake and basically carried her inside. Lucas got Riley's and Farkles bags so Farkle could carry her in. As they got inside there was a girl with her nose in a book behind the front desk. They ran the little bell and she looked embarrassed as she shot up.
"Hi there." She smiled.
"Hey we got a room for Maya Hart." Lucas said.
"Oh Maya! Yeah you must be Zay, Lucas, Riley, and Farkle! It's so nice to meet you! Maya told me so much about you! Cmon cmon I'll show you too your room." Haley said jumping from behind her desk and started towards the elevator. They were on the second floor.
"You all have a great view over looking the slope! And...and... She got outfits laid out for you for tomorrow she said she knew you wouldn't pack clothes for it to be freezing! She knows you so well!" Haley stammered as she unlocked the room."There is only two rooms though they each have two beds in them. Have fun I'll see you in the morning!" Haley smiled as she handed the key to Zay. Zay and Lucas walked to the far room and Farkle laid Riley on her bed. She stirred in the bed, before reaching out her hand.
"Farkle. Come here." She yearned. He walked over and put his hand in hers.
"Yes?" He asked. She pulled his hand unexpectedly and he landed on top of her. She giggled lightly and rolled over to snuggle inti his chest.
"Okay." He sighed as he wrapped his arms around her and fell asleep.

Hey guys so sorry about how long it took me to get this chapter to you. I should be able to update every Saturday or at least once a week. Again I'm so sorry! Tell me what you think please. Like, comment, and follow! Bye guys💛💛

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