Chapter 7

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A knock sounded on the door too early for Farkle to truly be functioning. He yawned heavily, Riley stirred in his arms and flipped herself to be face to face with the boy. She ran her hands through his hair jokingly. He laughed a bit and kissed the tip of her nose. She giggled as another knock sounded.
"I'll get it." He said as Riley buried herself into the pillow. He stood up and opened the door. Haley stood there with a bright smile.
"Good morning! I have your all's outfits ready for the slopes today!" She smiled as she handed him the two outfits.
"We are headed for the slopes in t minus 1 hour. Meet me in the lobby!" She said with a smiling giggle as she then walked to the other boys door. Farkle only chuckled as he closed the door behind him and walked back in to where Riley was sitting up. He held up the two outfits with a smile.
"Maya went all out." Riley said with a laugh as she stood up.
"Yes she did, I wonder why she did all this?"
"Well I guess we will get answers soon enough." Riley suggested as she looked at the outfits. She turned her head and noticed the clock.
"6 am!" She whined as she threw herself back on the bed.
"Hurry up and change. I'm going in the bathroom." He said as he picked up the thick coats and dragged them to the bathroom. He quickly showered and changed into his clothes. As he opened the bathroom door Riley stood there stripped down to her underwear. His eyes widened out of shock.
"Oh crap I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-" he called as he placed a hand over his eyes and backed up hitting the wall. As a result he moved again causing him to fall.
"Oh my god Farkle are you okay?" She quickly questioned. His face was blood red and he still wouldn't open his eyes.
"Yep everything is A- okay with Farkle." She quickly led him to the bed where he proceeded to bury his head. He swore he touched some of her bare skin on his way.
"Okay I'm done now you're good." She said as she grabbed his shoulder and pulled him up.
"That's nice, you look good in your outfit. Not too god or anything but like average. Normal. Umm yeah." He stumbles his way to the door and opened it ramming his small body into Lucas and Zay. Lucas reached out and steadied him quickly.
"Are you okay there bud?" Lucas asked him quickly as he patted him on the back.
"Yep. Absolutely. I'm perfectly fine!" Farkle responded nervously as Riley appeared behind him with an eye roll.
"Cmon boys we best get going." She said with a laugh as she led the three boys downstairs. Haley was already waiting for them in her gear.
"I've got you all hooked up with some lessons. Once you feel comfortable enough on the slopes come get me and I'll tell you where the note is." Haley said as she walked them through the snow.
"Do we have to work for it?" Zay whined as he trudged slowly through the snow. Haley let out a small laugh.
"Yes silly." She responded as she showed them the ski lift.
"I'm gonna go with Lucas." Farkle quickly stated as he grabbed Lucas and threw him onto the ski lift without a second thought.
"What happened?" Zay asked immediately as the6 watched the two ascend until they were ushered to their own.
"Farkle walked in on me changing and he flipped. I think I broke Farkle." Riley muttered as she flew her hands in the air. Zay snickered at the thought of poor, innocent Farkle walking in on Riley changing. It was just too much for Zay.
"Stop laughing he's embarrassed!" Riley begged as she hit Zay.
"Yeah I would be too." Zay continued his fit of giggles as they reached the top.

They met their instructor quickly, he was a guy named Charlie who had originally lived in Minnesota and was a huge fan of snow. Riley was a natural in the snow and Charlie took every chance to compliment her which made Farkle just the tiniest bit jealous. However, he ignore the pokes and prods of his friends as he too was quick to pick it up. Lucas and Zay definitely struggled, they hadn't even seen snow until they moved to New York. So the two boys were just a bit out of their comfort zone. As they slowly picked it up hours passed. After a 4 and a half hour lesson they went to grab lunch before telling Haley they were ready to find the note.

"Okay guys the note is on the third rest stop on our skiing cross country track. The whole thing is about a two hour ski. So have a great time!" Haley chattered as she smiled at them and the whisked herself away to something else.
"Two hours?!" Zay yelled as his face dropped into Lucas's shoulder.
"It's okay bud." Lucas said as he patted Zay.
"Well let's go!" Riley said cheerfully, like always. The snow was wet and white as they boarded through it. The location of the note was a small rest stop on the trails as Haley had said. But she also said that the only way to get there was to skate the whole way first. As they arrived on the third rest stop they discovered it to be covered in snow.
"Okay everyone. Start digging." Lucas muttered as he began to dust the bench off. After a few minutes Zay lifted the note up.
"I found it!" The boy yelled delightfully.
"Okay what does it say?" Riley asked quickly as she peered over at it.

"How was the snow guys?? I'm gonna guess you had a blast . Haley is just the sweetest isn't she. I bet Lucas and Zay are feeling a bit out of it right now. They aren't used to this much snow. However, no worries boys I've got somewhere nice and warm lined up for you. You all are spending a beautiful night at the beach, Surfside Beach, SC, to be specific. You have a beach house you're welcome. The clue is on the front door. Have fun guys, I heard there is a carnival on the pier. I might just go. Good luck xoxo- Maya" Zay read the note.

"Yes! Some warm weather! Hope you brought a bathing suit!" Lucas said with a smile as he read the note again. Riley laughed lightly her and Maya had always said they were gonna go to the beach.
"Cmon guys we may want to head out." Farkle said as he gestured for everyone. They all left the path and made it back by two thirty. The group dispersed to pack up real quick.
"Farkle, really please don't be embarrassed by this. It wasn't even a big deal." Riley begged as she looked at the boy. She grabbed his hands and held them in hers daintily. He smiled at her. Her brown eyes returning to their hopeful glow.
"As long as you aren't angry it doesn't matter to me." Farkle responded as he lifted her hand to kiss her knuckles. She giggled as he grabbed her bag and his own and the two left the room. As the group walked downstairs they were met by Haley.
"Good luck. Bring her back for all of us." Haley said with a smile as she patted Riley on the back. The group was loaded up and headed to South Carolina by 3. The trip being about 5 hours long plus some beach traffic.

The teens arrived at around 9 o'clock to the small house that was theirs for the night. Right on the beautiful beach that smelled of salt and sweets. They walked up to the door and saw the note tacked on the front.

"You've made it here. Congratulations, this place is amazing. I spent a night here already so one of the beds is worn in. You know I forgot how much I'm actually terrified of heights, don't you remember 9th grade Ferris wheel. They still freak me out. You'll figure out where the next note is I know you will. Have an amazing beach day. Try to get a tan or something. I'm really happy you all are this interested in looking for me. I love you all. -xoxo Maya." Riley read from the door as she leaned back into Farkle.
"Cmon guys let's get settled in and then we can figure out the note later." Lucas suggested as he pulled the key from the note and unlocked the door. The teens scattered at they settled into bed. Maya on each of their minds.

I haven't not written on this story in over a year and if any of you all are still reading this I'm so happy. I posted a new Lucaya story so I think it just gave me like a bit of inspiration to finish this one. So it may be slow but I'm gonna finish this one. Also if you love Lucaya go read Don't Stop Believing on my page. It's so much better than this I think.

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