December 29, 2016

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I wrote a letter to my dad last night. I'm finally going to let him know how I've felt all these years.

Typically, for therapy purposes, they say to write a letter of what you're feeling to someone who has hurt you, and then you can put it in a box or burn it or something. I think I'll actually send mine. It's a goodbye letter to him. I don't ever want to deal with him again.

It was nice finally saying everything on my mind. I felt an entire burden lift off my shoulders. It's time to do it. I need to get rid of it so that I can move on with my life. I may regret it later, but it feels great now. I don't want to stress about someone like him anymore.

I'll send it to him as soon as I can. I just want it to be over with. I don't know if he'll actually get it, and I don't care. Just having it out there will be nice.

2016 is almost over. I already have my New Year's Resolution, but I won't share it. I feel if I say certain things out loud, it won't come true.

This year has been an interesting year. A lot has happened to me and my family. Good things and bad things, but that's okay overall. Obstacles will only make me stronger. They suck while they happen, but I think we do need them...

I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. See you in 2017.

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