vanishing scars- a Hayes Grier Fan Fiction

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"Abby hurry up! I have to go really bad! You know I have the smallest bladder ever." I hopped out of my chair and pinched my friend. "Ow!" She whined, "what the hell was that for?!" She gave me the death glare I was used to whenever I wanted her to do something. "Can't you go by yourself? What? You need me to check the stall to make sure boogeyman isn't in there? Grow up.." She looked back down at her books as if she were the only one in the room. Like honestly she can be such a pain sometimes. I gathered my things and left study hall. I made sure the old door creaked loudly as I left, just to make sure I got on every single one of her nerves.

The hall was empty. Like empty empty. Practically a ghost town. The lockers looked like they were watching everywhere you go, and the class pictures taunted you as if everyone was saying:"ha we're free. Good luck the next four years." The winding staircases led you to nothing but more classes with more teachers and more over dramatic teens with self-esteem issues. Nothing ever changed. The students stayed the same. No cute guys, no friendly girls. No one cared about you, just keep your head low and don't do anything stupid. Easier said then done. My whole life revolved around being stupid. It was just who I was. I wasn't confident, or pretty or even smart. I was just the outcast of the bunch. The Waldo in a crowd of people. That's probably why I started doing stupid things. I wanted people to notice me. Even if it was as a freak. In grade eight I started cutting. I just tried once and it felt like I was just giving myself what I deserved. I was a nobody. I didn't belong. I deserved to hurt. The only one who knew was my older sister, Lila. But she's always so drunk she can't even remember what she had for breakfast. Since nobody told me anything I assumed I was doing the right thing. At least people actually realized I existed when they saw my scars.

I walked into the bathroom and checked all the stalls. No one was there. It's weird how whenever I go to the washroom I never do what other girls do. I never look in the mirror, not even once. A burning comes into me and stings behind my eyes. Before I know it I cry of depression. People always point out how ugly I am, or my freakishly short height. I mean, like I see it every day, why do they have to remind me? Hiding from others isn't the hard thing. But it becomes impossible to hide from yourself. How can you stand to look at your reflection when all it does is hurt you more then others ever can?

I left as soon as I could. I didn't want to go back to class, and the hall was empty so who would notice if I skip? I sit in the back anyway. I felt my backpack for anything sharp, but nothing would fit my standards. Nothing could cut deep down. I sat against the wall and closed me eyes. But I got that weird feeling when you think someone's watching you. I opened my eyes and felt hands cover my mouth. I screamed and bit as hard as I could. "Ouch! Geez sorry to startle you!" My eyes met an ocean of blue and I looked into his. "God damn it Hayes! And ya sorry I got scared when you snuck up on me and covered my mouth! I thought I was being kidnapped or something!" Hayes laughed and flipped his hair. "Well I feel bad for them. They don't know you can bite," he looked at his hand as blood dropped onto the hallway floor. "Well sorry," I said with a hint of sarcasm. He wiped the blood with the sleeve of his shirt. As he opened my bag I could see the look in his beautiful blue eyes as he picked up my bandages. "I'm both happy and sad you have these. Happy cause I need them now before I bleed to death, but sad cause I know why you brought them." He looked at me, his glare straight and unbroken. "You can't know why, besides since when do you even talk to me?" I grabbed my bag from his grasp and stood up. He got up too and met my gaze. He said nothing but his eyes were focused on my wrists. I pulled my sleeves down over my hands and walked past him. I left the empty hall knowing that Hayes was there alone, with his eyes staring after me....

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