My Inspiration

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I'd like to take a step aside for a second and just talk about what was inspired me into writing this to try help people and to try encourage a conversation to be started between small groups that could possibly grow and cause a major discussion.

It all started as a song I had written to my best mate based of a song by kodaline which she said reminded her of us. When I had shown her what it was a I wrote she loved it so much and cried because it had showed my true emotions. After writing that song I realised that it helped me feel a little better and took some of the pressure off me. We talked a bit further about me writing then we came to the idea of me writing something on here which could lead to many people being helped and so I began to just write away and it begun.

I started looking around Wattpad for stories people had posted based of their own experiences and I found one that really hit home for me and it was written by karismatic101 and it's really really heart feeling. If you are looking for a way to reach out for help I highly recommend reading her story it's amazing and has inspired me to really try to cause a discussion to start. We've also been talking between ourselves on here and we are gonna try to get the discussion going between us and make it bigger gradually.

The last thing that inspired me is a place that has helped a lot of young people from the ages of 10-40 and that's my local youth centre. Every single youth worker in there are all excellent at listening and giving advice, they're also so trustworthy. Without them I'd be completely lost because they have been there when nobody else was. There's 2 youth workers there who believe I can cause a discussion to happen through the works I write as I put a lot of emotion into them and they mirror the thoughts in my head at the time they are written. If you are already a member of a youth centre I'd recommend talking to youth workers for support and if you're not a member I highly highly recommend looking into where the closest one is and joining in and becoming a member in as many groups as possible as the other young people can also be very supportive through tough times. The youth centre is a second home for me I'm in it nearly every day of the week and when I get a degree after school and college I plan on working in a youth centre to help young people as I understand what it's like to be from a rough area have little and suffer with bad mental health.

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