Out of Diesel and Two Names - Super Good Children

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(pg. 15-18)

Out of diesel and two names-

We came into the world in Elverum hospital on 21 February 2002. It was precisely the scheduled day and we were born right there for mom and dad at the time lived in Romedal in Stange, south of Hamar. Marcus came out first, at five minutes past nine in the evening. Martinus came out fifteen minutes later, at 21:32. Marcus weighed 3100 grams and 2790 grams Martinus. It is often the case with twins, that one takes a little more food than the other when they are in the belly, and with us it was clear that Marcus had done just that! But we were very round and cuddly, both of them - just look at baby-pictures of us ...

 It is often the case with twins, that one takes a little more food than the other when they are in the belly, and with us it was clear that Marcus had done just that! But we were very round and cuddly, both of them - just look at baby-pictures of...

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Here we are pretty fresh, only a few days old (pg. 16)

Look at us! With the same clothes from the first day

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Look at us! With the same clothes from the first day. (pg. 16) *not same picture from book*

Marcus has always liked to talk on the phone "Hello? Can I talk to Martinus?" (pg

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Marcus has always liked to talk on the phone "Hello? Can I talk to Martinus?" (pg. 16)

Out of diesel and two names continued... -

We have heard the story about when Dad would drive back home that night so many times, and it's our favorite story from Elverum, he was out of gas. He did not see that the tank was nearly empty, he was completely in his own world and so happy to have become a father. Suddenly he stood there, right on the highway, without being able to move on. He had to call a friend who fortunately was able to come and help him, and it went well in the end.

Our parents did not know what sex it would be until we were born and why they had prepared both two maiden name and two boys' names. Want to know what we would have been called if we had been girls? Emma and Emilia! Then Marcus had been Emma and Martinus Emilia. Pretty fun thought. Dad's grandmother called Emma and both our parents liked that name. But it was the two guys. Dad had already decided that if he ever had a son so would the boy called Marcus. Then we had to find a name that fitted well with Marcus. And any time also began to M. In the end they decided to name the mother suggested: Martinus. It's a rather unusual name, but in Oslo, we have seen a place called Martinus place!
Both mom and dad thought that the names fit nicely together. And so it was Marcus and Martinus.

Super good children -

Mom and Dad used to say that we were really kind when we were little. That sounds fine. The only thing we remember is that we had it very well when we grew up, so there's probably no reason to complain? Besides that there was some bad sleep. (We apologize for that, Mom and Dad.)

Dad says: We did not sleep for a whole year when you were babies. You woke up in the night and Gred Anne's milk ran out, so I had to heat such where infant milk every night. It was pretty tough.

Mom says: I and Kjell-Erik had agreed that what we said to each other in the night would not be the day after - for it becomes quite sour and grumpy when you take gets to sleep.

Dad says: You have always been incredibly kind and easy to deal with. Almost never in a bad mood! We videotaped incredible deal when you were small and if you ever were sour, we could just turn on the screen so you got to see yourself there, and then laughed at you once again. You were early ready to be filmed, so be it, there is something in there ...

Mom says: when we watch movies from when you were small, you are as happy everywhere !? If you were a fish, so it was a toy for you. You were incredibly simple to take care of, I can not remember a single time when I struggled to get you up in the morning or that it was ever hard to get you to go to kindergarten or something. It may sound strange, but I do not have anything negative to say about how you are and have been, for you are so kind. But on the other hand, I'm your mother ....

 But on the other hand, I'm your mother

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Above: Together with our sister Silje. Below: With our mother Gerd Anne. (pg. 18)


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