Chapter 6

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The next morning...

I wake up to the sound of a shower and an empty space next to me on the bed. A smile creeped on my face because I know she didn't leave. Memories from last night start coming to my head. Everything about last night I started to miss. From Lauren's jealous comment to the way she touched me. Would this be over today? Or was this meant to be?

I caressed the space she slept on, I could smell vanilla scent from her pillow. I missed this so much. As I laid here reminiscing on my sexual adventures from last night, I began to have thoughts of joining her in the shower, to have a round two session. I bit my lip just thinking of Lauren's naked wet body. Would that be weird? Maybe not weird but maybe she will mind. We haven't got to that step in the relation-

Quickly my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I didn't know what to do, I began to panic so I just stayed quite. "Lauren?" I heard from the other side of the door. I was contemplating on answering but if I do, then they will know Lauren and I-

Another knock. Since there was no answer the door opened and I saw Alex. "Oh sorry Camila!" She said as she closed the door. "I thought Lauren was asleep since there was no answer" she said on the other side of the door.

I was blushing super hard considering that I was still fully naked from last night and only covered in a small blanket which I'm sure she noticed. "Haha morning Alex yeah Lauren is showering.. I think"

"Would you like to stay for breakfast were making eggs, bacon and pancakes" she offered ignoring my comment.

"Sure that would be amazing, thank you" I covered myself with the sheets taking in the moment of embarrassment. Not to mention I will have to face her later for breakfast.

I didn't realized that the shower water had stopped. I quickly gather my thoughts and began to change back into clothes. However I only got to my bra when I realized that my panties were non reusable and I wasn't going to wear a dress from last night. Probably smells like alcohol.

I began to look into Lauren's clothes to see if there is anything that fit me and that I could wear. Thank God we are the same size in clothes because I can pretty much wear anything of hers.

I found a 1975 T-shirt and some sweats that fit me a bit lose. It was the perfect outfit. I heard the door of the bathroom open and Lauren was standing there staring at me smiling. "Haha I was hoping to still catch you asleep" she said walking towards.

"Why? Were you planning on sneaking away?" I said my eyes never leaving hers.

"No, so I can get another chance to see your body" she said very seductively.

My breath hitched and she was now standing in front of me. I couldn't help but feel nervous, she was so beautiful and her hair falls naturally on her back. She's only wearing jeans and a tshirt but wow she look as sexy as ever.

"Uhm, I borrowed some of your clothes... I hope that's alright" I said as I pointed to it.

"Don't worry they look better on you anyways" her face was inches away from mine and her arms wrapped around my waist.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"You know what looks better, if you didn't have anything on at all" she said staring at my lips and the sexual tensioned arose. Before I could answer she gave me a small kiss on my lips and headed to the bed.

"How did you sleep? Good I hope." I asked as I observed her. The tattoo behind her neck and the piercing on her ear. She looks so beautiful in the morning and she didn't even need to try.

"Well with sex like that how can I not" she laughed and I joined her agreeing. "So uhm... want to stay for breakfast or.. You have to leave soon?" She continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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