Chapter 17-The Plan

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Toby POV

"Shut up and tell me the plan" an embarrass Ben yelled at me.

"Ok, ok but first go take a shower"I said

"What why!?"said Ben confused

"It all part of the plan now go, I will bring you some clean clothes " I said pushing him up stairs

"What does taking a shower hav....Sssshhhhhhh just take one"I said interrupting him. He stills had a uncertain look on his face but he didn't protest any longer and went up the stairs. I followed, but instead of going the the bathroom I went to Jack's room.

'Knock knock'

"Who's there" Jack say on the other side of the door.
I knock again without saying a word but harder.  "What the hell do you want!" Jack yelled opening the door

"Your mask" I said yanking his mask off his face and running.

"Toby!?" He yelled before running after me. I turned the corner and opened one of the doors and through the mask in. Then I was pushed to the ground by Jack and he ran inside the "room."

He actually took the bait I'm surprised maybe you're not as stupid as I thought. the voices in my head said.

Then I quickly got up to shut the door and grabbed a chair that was in another room to block the door.
"Toby wha...."

Eyeless Jack POV

I was chasing Toby to get my mask which he threw inside the bathroom that bitch. I was about to pick up my mask when I heard the door shut. "Toby wha....Toby is that you?"someone behind the shower curtain said. Please don't tell me it's

" Yeah, Ben i put you clothes on the sink" Toby said as if I was not in here. 

"Ok, thank you"

"Now your chance to make a move" Toby said

"What are you taking about" Ben asked confused

"I was talking to myself" and with that he walk away

It was silent when Toby left. Ben didn't know I was here and Toby blocked the door from the other side. So, I was stuck in here till Ben notice me.

I took a deep breath before a took Toby's words and made a move, "Hey Ben I'm coming in"

"Aaahhhh, Jack!?" Ben yelled in surprised.

"Yeah it's me" I said taking off my clothes.

"Wait I jus....aaaggghhhh"

"Wow careful don't want my princess slipping in the shower." I said holding Ben in my arms and getting in the shower with him.

"Jack!? Why are yo...."ssshhhhhhhhh.. just enjoy the moment" I said before pressing are lips together.

Toby POV

I step back away from the door knowing that I had done good. Then I made my way down to the kitchen telling myself that I deserve waffles.


"Waffles waffles I'm gonna eat me some waffles" I said as I placed my 5th waffle on my plate.  Then I went to the refrigerator and got the whip cream out and one cherry and put it all together.

"And done" I said as I grabbed my plate and a fork. " waffles waffles I'm gonna eat me som-ugh oh shit I'm sorry Tim I wasn't paying attent-ion I I-I'll get you a um..."

"You c......."

"What w-was that"  I tried not to sound nervous as I handed him a napkin but he just stared blankly at it. "Um...are y-you.."

"You called me Tim"

"Oh ummm...sorry Mas-ky"

"What why are you sorry, I should be the one apologizing. For not hearing you out. "


"Jack and I were talking a moment ago that was until you took his mask." He said taking the napkin and wiping the whip cream off his jacket. "He told me not to be mad at you cuz he was just over exaggerating the situation"

"Well he was m-me and Ben j-just fall and h-he just happened to come in at that mo...."I was cut off by his lip on mine.

"Now stop being so nervous" He said pulling down his mask to cover his face again. "Anyways I need to go to the bathroom and afterwords I'll make you some waffles." He said as he walked out the kitchen

Wait the bathroom!! "Masky wait"I said racing up to meet him

"Toby why is there a chair blocking the door"

"Ummm I.... kind of locked Jack in there with Ben "

".............Toby everyone uses this bathroom no one will want "jizz" stain in there what made you think this was a good idea"

"Ummm.... sorry"

Masky POV

"Hay, why don't you do it in your rooms" I yelled as I banged on the door. Then the door finally opened with Jack wearing only his pants and Ben wearing his jacket all red.

"Your just jealous that we did in the bathroom before you two could " Jack said as he walked away.

"Like I want to do it in there" I said

"Don't act like you don't wanna"he said back and then he slipped into his room with Ben behind.

"Will that went great" Toby said right next to me. "Ugh... what are you doing " Toby said as  I pushed him into the room.

"Get in the shower"I said taking off my mask and turning to see a red face Toby.

Slanderman POV

As I got back to the house after a long day at my brothers house I see the creepypastas in a line and Ben playing video games on the couch with Jack.


"They're waiting for the bathroom" Ben said not taken his eyes off the video game


"Why don't you makeh a guess"Jack said

Masky POV

"Are you able to walk" I ask Toby as he limped his way towards the door.

"I think I can make it to my room"I responded with a smile.

"Ok don't force yourself I can help walk you to your roo......."I said as I open the bathroom door.



> I'm not sure when the next update will be but here's chapter 17<

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2017 ⏰

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