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Lilia Cortova was dead.

It took Cass well into the early morning to compose herself enough to finally ask Baz for specifics about what exactly happened when he last saw her. He was reluctant to tell her at first, insisting she needed her sleep and they could discuss it the next morning, but she was persistent, and he eventually gave in to her demands.

Because of how the laws of the land were in place, as Lilia died outside of Lathos, he could not return with her body. It was to remain within Lord Andro Millian's domain while he and his advisers could conduct their own investigation as to what exactly caused her death. Only once they were done would her remains be returned to her next of kin.

What Baz was able to produce, however, was a signed declaration of the same Lord Millian, stating for the official record that Lady Cortova was, in fact, deceased.

And as her only sister and surviving family member, Cassandra Cortova inherited her sister's legacy, just as her sister had inherited it from their father all those years ago.

Therefore, Cass now had sole possession of Lilia's trade, properties, and profits.

But she didn't want any of it.

She cared not for silk.

She didn't need anywhere to live.

And she definitely didn't want her money.

Baz told her she would come into her position in time, just as Lilia did when their father died at sea, but Cass was not Lilia.

Cass would never be Lilia.

Cass never wanted to be Lilia.

And now Lilia was dead.

And Cass had nothing.

Cass could feel the bruises forming on her knuckles as she punched the padded dummy within the Guild's training room

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Cass could feel the bruises forming on her knuckles as she punched the padded dummy within the Guild's training room. It had been over a month since she learned of Lilia's death, and she had spent more of her time training there than anywhere else. It helped center her and pushing herself to the limits allowed her to fall asleep at night, and the anticipation of another day spent on physical activity is what got her out of bed in the morning.

Here, no one bothered her because they knew better than to bother her.

Here, no one sent their mindless sympathies, acting as though they truly cared about her sister's death or her personal time of mourning.


She punched the dummy's padded chest again, once, twice before delivering a right hook that almost knocked the dummy to the floor.

Here, even Baz knew to leave her be.

Cass had denied him an audience ever since she could remove herself from his arms, and his quarters, once he finished explaining to her Lilia's circumstances. She told him she just needed time, which was true - but as to how much time she needed, even Cass was uncertain.

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