[ fifty five ]

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Dear No One, 

Pretty Girl got home today. 

She's spent most of the day in her bedroom. She looks sad, almost. I want to go over, but I feel like I've suffocated her this last week, and she deserves a break from me. I've texted her, and she said she was okay, but she had sent me the message with a frown on her face. 

Then her mother went up to her. Now, I didn't mean to watch but I couldn't help myself. Her mother brought her dinner, and Pretty Girl refused to eat it. They started fighting. About what I don't know. 

Pretty Girl started crying, and eventually her mother walked out. She'd collapsed against her bed then. I sent her another text, asked her if she was okay again, and all she did was glace at me from her window before shuffling over and shutting her curtains. 

- Stiles. 

Dear No One (Stiles AU)Where stories live. Discover now