Chapter 1

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        "Charlie!"  Cried her best friend Hannah. "I gotta show you this new routine I made up during tap dance class." Hannah had been in the school play and there were some choreography that had some tap in it. Her routine was actually pretty good so I complemented her until I had to leave for ugh... math. I'm going to say this now, I'm not the best in math but I am the best at everything physiological and socially smart. I go to a private high school which is surprisingly not too snotty or too 'perfect'. After school I take the subway home to downtown Brooklyn and arrive home. "Mom Dad I'm home!" Charlie yells out. "Oh yeah their off to some event." She says to herself. I skip on down to my couch and take a running start then crash on the couch. Hours pass and I'm in bed asleep. I hear a screaming outside the window but I hear lots of that for some reason so I drift into sleep. I wake up at 5:00am even though school starts at 8:00am but I take lots of time to get ready (to watch tv that is). I got to school in my usual outfit of jeans, a cute t-shirt, a not-leather leather jacket, and my long and wavy brown with reddish highlighted hair down. It looked like it a birds nest sometimes but when it looks good, it looks good. Anyways, the first three classes I had were social studies, math, and science and when I was done with those it was time for break. I got a clementine from a basket down the hall and sat down on a bench while Hannah and I were chatting. We got up for the next period and then suddenly... BANG! I heard a gun shot and multiple screams from outside the school. Blood splattered the glass doors and I froze.

Love born from a test tubeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant