Chapter 3

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"AAAAAHHHH!" We both screamed. I stared blankly at the boys face. "Huh, he looks a bit like me, actually he looks very much like me... Holy crap he looks exactly like me!" I thought to myself. It was clear that we were thinking the same thing. "I'm sorry" he said "I know this is a weird thing to ask, but are" I was thinking the same thing. I knew I had to ask this just to be sure,"Is your name Zach?" I knew that would be the name that my parents would use if I was a boy. "Yeah, and you must be Charlie?" He asked. I chuckle nervously but happily " I guess that proves it, we are each other but just a different gender or something like that, but we need to get out of here with the other students and fast." I said. I had watched too many sci-fi movies to know that cloning is never a good idea.

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