I can't remember anything... Scratch that. All three of us can't remember anything! Chapter 10

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I can't remember anything... Scratch that. All three of us can't remember anything!

Chapter 10

Jaylah POV

Today has officially made it two weeks since me and the boys lost our memory. It's been going great. They're getting along now. Thank God!

Mom and Dad have been very precautionary over things they think might trigger our powers. They said they will train us when they think the time is right.

The other day they sat us down as a family and showed us some baby pictures and told us some very entertaining stories of our childhood.

Like the time Jaymes got a yellow crayon stuck up his nose. His excuse then was that he wanted to see if it smelt like lemons. Haha! Lemons? What a loser!

Yesterday, my boyfriend came over to see me. Yup, I said it. Boyfriend! Nash asked me out last week. He brought me to this secret place he said that we had found when we were little. It was this stream, with the calmest atmosphere I have ever felt. It was soothing.

We sat on some rocks and talked about all kinds of things. Like how we met and our friendship after that. He told me that he always liked me but he didn't know if I felt the same. He said he was afraid to tell me because he didn't want to ruin our friendship. So when his brother; Chas came into the picture he gave up.

He told me something that hurt me bad. He said that after me and Chas were boyfriend and girlfriend that I had ignored him. He said that I was constantly avoiding him. And when he tried to talk to me I would walk away or ignore him. I knew how he felt when he was telling me this, and that didn't make me feel any better. He told me that it was okay and that he forgave me. I still feel bad.

Today our grandparents are coming. Grandparents as in my fathers parents. He said they didn't look like grandparents. Once he said that I was confused.

"You'll see," He had said.

Dad's a pretty confusing person. He's cool though, he acts like a teenager, but can be serious when he needs to. His special ability is pretty awesome. He can read people. What I mean is that he can sense there intentions. He says the air around them changes. Whatever that means.

He also said that he can sense where a person is. Anywhere anytime, he can find them.

Mom's silly, awesome, and VERY competitive!

The other day I had asked her why she didn't want to be called mother. And these are her exact words.

"When you say mother it makes me feel like you want to cuss me out but don't want to finish it. You know 'you mother-"

"OK, OK, I get it." I had said. I hated when people cussed. I thought it was unnecessary. "No need for the angry words!" I had exclaimed.

Moms ability was that she knows everything! Well not exactly. Let me explain it. When she touches an object let say... a cup; she can collect every second of that cups journey; from when it was made, from it's time at the store it was bought in, from every single person who ever drank, touched, or even looked at the cup. It's crazy I know! It even works on humans! She says it could be so strong that she can feel it. She says its kind of like my emotion powers but not as strong as it. She said that, that was how she figured out something was wrong with us when her and dad had arrived home from their trip.

I am in the game room on the third floor watching Jayden and mom play Madden 2010 (Madden is a football video game. American football. NOT SOCCER!) I was pretty shocked when I walked into the room. Jayden was losing by a good twenty points. GO MOM!

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