diary of a wimpy kid One more brother

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One more Brother

Chapter 1

It’s been like more than 2 months since I have shifted into my new house, you guys might be wondering why  we shifted, apparently my dad was offered a job promotion and my dad accepted it cause of the house expenses that are upcoming.

You might be wondering what ‘’expenses’’ well my bad luck strikes again!! My parents have reduced my pocket money, and I wonder why? Anyway something fishy is going on. My mom is growing fat day by day and I wonder why, and I wonder why whenever Manny or I ask mom why she is putting on weight or something is wrong and suddenly either my dad or Rodrick just change the topic or interrupt us. And I have been tolerating this from like 6-7 months. Well I guess that mom has been eating too much now a days and she is too lazy to exercise or diet. And l remember that before when mom used to grow fat she never lliked it. and she also used to start gym. but at this moment she just doesnt exercide or EVEN diet. Its looks like a there is a explosive in her tummy. Any ways its good that mommy is growing fat because, when she used to be thin she used to be active and she'd make me do exercise or tell me to go study she say's that since i am going to grade 10. But now adays she is just not bothered about me. Plus she just likes eating healthy food and Alott of fruits.


Now its actually been 8 and a half months since sh'e been growing fat. And this other day Manny just entered my mom and dad's room without knoking. And he says he heard something. ANd since that day he tries to drawn a photo of something just like a stomach and a small boy. I just dont get Manny some times he only specks when he wants to. anyway. and ya remeber that neighbour i got the middle school, Me and him are noe bestfreind just imagine. At first i just dint like him and now we are best freinds. He's name is Rowley horran.

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