And On the Off Chance he'd Believe Me

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Allie trailed into the Pat O'Brien's bar with a heavy heart and wobbly knees. She knew someone who was far from a force to be reckoned with, but could offer some information; Sebastian Hearst, a long time friend. It started with a one-night stand, but Lapis always had trouble with not getting attached. Fortunately, so did Sebastian. Allie saw his courtesy and deemed him "a true gentleman". The three formed a bond soon after.

Sebastian was hammering away at the piano at the little underground bar that he and Lapis worked at. His fingers flew across the ebony and ivory, slamming out the tune to Bennie and the Jets. The melody was gradually increasing in tempo and his pale face was turning pink with exhaustion. The tip jar, filled to the brim with crumpled dollar bills and casino chips, was vibrating on top.

"She's got electric boots, a mohair suit, ya know I read it in a magaziiine, oh ho..."

He paused and the audience shouted above the piano's tune. Phone lights were waving in the air and three eager high-school girls were scribbling down song requests.

The song faded out and he tried to catch his breath. Allie confidently strutted up to the stage and stood proudly on her heels, hands planted on her hips and smirk plastered on her face.

"Allie Majorie" he panted, the microphone echoing his greeting. He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow as the crowd of misfits cheered and clapped. "It's been a long time. Where've ya been?"

"New York." Allie answered, making herself at home and sitting down at the bench next to him. "Julliard."

"Jeez, congrats." He did a double take. "What brings you back here?"

"I was going to spend the vacation with Lapis." Allie sighed.

"Why isn't Lapis with you?" Sebastian asked, dropping an eyebrow.

Allie didn't want to be the bearer of bad news, and she didn't want to say it out loud. She took the missing person's ad out of her purse and smoothed it out in front of him.

Sebastian scanned the paper briefly and slammed the piano shut. He turned to Allie, a look of extreme panic on his face.

"Hearst! you're done for the weekend!" His boss called out. "Just get your girlfriend off the stage!"

Sebastian collected his tips from the jar and escorted Allie to a table for two in the corner, away from everyone's earshot.

"She went missing from Tulane?" Sebastian inquired, after the initial shock of the news started to wear off.


"House party or something?" He asked.

"Doubt it, Lapis wouldn't go near a frat if her life depended on it." Allie answered with certainty.

"So what's your theory?" Sebastian asked with suspicion of her certainty.

Allie released a long breath. "You wouldn't believe me."

"I've seen weirder, I'm sure." Sebastian assured her.

"No, you surely have not." Allie disputed

"Try me." Sebastian dared. His voice rose and fell; he was sure that whatever he had seen in the past couldn't be topped by anything that Allie had to say.

Allie looked around. "Okay, but not here. Is there anywhere we can get some privacy?"

"Put your arm around me." Sebastian said, standing up hurriedly. "Those boys over there were taking pictures of you." He gestured over his shoulder to a table across from theirs. "I'll get us some privacy."

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