At the Start of the Day

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Sebastian was visibly afraid. "...If we're going to survive, we're going to have to stay together." He twitched nervously.

Allie was about to respond, but felt an eerily familiar touch on her shoulder. The skeletal hand worked its way up to her cheek, and she stood completely still. Jareth had his hand on Allie and his eyes searching all over Sebastian.

"It's been a long time, Allie." He hummed, dipping his lips nauseatingly close to Allie's ear. Allie didn't speak a word, just kept her eyes fastened on Sebastian's. She wanted to tell him that everything was okay, and that she wouldn't let Jareth hurt him. But she held her tongue, for fear that if she didn't, she would never be able tell him anything again.

Jareth shoved Allie out of his hold and swayed over to Sebastian, who was shaking in his Converse. He stood at least a full foot taller than him, not including the extra height from his high-heeled boots.

He gave Sebastian one more solid head-to-toe scan. Sebastian shoved his hands in his pockets, closed his eyes and looked down. Jareth, who always demanded to be addressed, did not take this well.

"Why, aren't you a handsome little creature?" He strutted over to Sebastian, who was avoiding Jareth as if he was Medusa.

Jareth clamped a hand on Sebastian's chin, and he immediately started to squirm like a fish to get out of his grip.

"Look me in the eyes." He demanded, holding Sebastian's face still. "Were you the one who said you would like to abduct the queen and keep her for yourself?"

"Lapis doesn't belong with you!" Sebastian spat, continuing to flounder. "She's just a child!"

Jareth laughed derisively and immediately shot him an unwavering hostile glare. He tightened his grip on his face, but swiftly tossed him aside.

"If you want her, you will have to go and claim her yourself." Jareth scoffed, walking backwards and taunting them with his agility.

"Don't you touch a hair on her head!" Allie stepped up to him, clenching her fists.

"Oh, Allie, there's no need for that." He laughed. "You two are just going to have to best my Labyrinth, this time."

"This time?" Sebastian whispered, looking at Allie. Suddenly, everything was coming together. Jareth started to disappear into the mist, and Sebastian wandered over to Allie for security. Allie put her arm around him. His eyes were bulging out if his skull in shock.

"So it is true." He muttered.

"I don't want to say I told you so..." Allie said callously, as she had been knowing exactly what to expect from Jareth. "but I did."

"Okay." Sebastian brought himself back to his feet. "If Lapis could do this by herself, we can do this once together."

"Right." Allie panted. "Let's climb up this hill and see what we're dealing with here."

The two of them traipsed up the hill and looked on to the never-ending expanse of twists and ties that was the Labyrinth. They looked at the Labyrinth, and then at each other. Just gazing on the tract of knots made them lose their breath. Neither of them wanted to vocalize the coexisting feeling of hopelessness that was looming above them.

"You said it best yourself, we need to do this together." Allie stated, remembering the last time, when she was separated from Lapis for the majority of the journey.

"That's right." Sebastian agreed, taking Allie's hand. "And seeing that you have been here just as many times as I, we have to try and stick to one path."

The Labyrinth on Bourbon Street 2Where stories live. Discover now