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He was the oldest of two by 16 years.

He had a little sister, of which he called, "lil sis" and "baby girl". Their parents were hardly ever home, Always Going out, getting drunk, on business trips. Well, their father was, their mother ran out a week after lil sis was born. He didn't even know why their parents had kids though, father never spent time with them anyways. At age 16, he became a dad. Well, he felt like one. He practically raised his little sister. Their father abused them. He burned lil sis with a cigarettes because he was a drunk. On his 18th birthday and her 2nd, he caught their father raping her. He called the cops, getting father arrested. He got custody of her, as he was finally of age and they moved into a small, cozy, two bedroom house on the coast of North Carolina. It was isolated and quiet. As he built it there for those reasons.

"Oh hunny bu-"
"No, no buts. We broke up three months ago. We are not dating. Leave me the fůck alone."
"Xavier please let me expl-"
"Explain what? Explain why you stole my identity? Explain why you tried to kidnap my little sister from her daycare? Explain why you're such a psychopath? Leave us the fuck alone! JESUS!" He exclaimed slamming the door in her face as 3 cops pulled up in front of his apartment, arresting her.

His psycho ex girlfriend had tried breaking into his house when he was 20. He had told lil sis to go hide in the closet and call the cops before he answered the door to start dealing with the crazy bīţchës ass. After their 2 year anniversary, he had started making house plans to build a nice small house across the country in North Carolina, in the nice, isolated area on the coast. He never told her about it, as he hoped it'd be a surprise. But after he broke up with her, she started going crazy and he decided to take lil sis and move into that house and raise her there.

Lil sis, or Xema Rose, looked completely different but also deadly similar to Xavier. She had long, blonde/gold, curly hair. She had dazzling blue eyes with spots of emerald green. She loved and adored her big brother. He was all she needed. He would have done anything for her. She dreamed of having a mommy and daddy that loved them, just as much as he loved her. She wished she could have met her own mom. As Xavier always talked about how wonderful she was. Her favorite thing was when he would sing to her.

"Xavey, will you sing to me?" She would ask, eyes open wide, in a begging  manner, along with every child's signature begging, pouty lip. She loved when he'd sing her to sleep.
"Of course baby girl," he would say with a big loving smile on his face, as he gently pressed on her bottom lip, as to try and put it back under her top lip again, as it once was before.
"Yayyy!" She'd always get so excited.
"the moon and stars they wept, the morning sun was dead. The savior of the world was fallen. His body on the cross, his blood poured out for us..." He began to sing "Forever" by Kari Jobe, as Xema loved that song, she loved how powerful it was. She always claimed to love the meaning even though she was 7 and didn't quite understand what the meaning truly was.

And just like that, she would be asleep. He'd always kiss her on the forehead, pray over her, cover her up, and close the door as he left the room to go to bed himself.

He had made a goal, and a promise to lil sis that he would try and find their mom. He took the time from when he wasn't working and playing with Xema to try and find their mother. 4 years and he still hadn't found her, but it was for Xema, and he wasn't going to give up. At least not yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2017 ⏰

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