Chapter 1

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Twenty-five years on this earth and I still managed to put off all responsibility until the last minute. I began my lesson plan, focusing on color like I do every fall.

Despite my shy demeanor I considered myself a fun teacher. Children were very near and dear to my heart. I planned to have my own eventually. That is if I am ever to find a husband who can handle hours of absolute silence and still be comfortable.

"How do you manage with it being so cold out here?" Monique asked, her teeth chattered disturbing the quiet I was enjoying with my morning tea. "How are you even cold? You're wearing a sweater, mine to be specific." I teased, taking a slow sip of my drink. She rolled her eyes, and reached over to flick my ear.

"So what's the plan for today?" She asked taking a seat next to me on the terrace. "Work on lesson plans for Monday." I sighed. I caught a glance of our neighbor just across the way. He was scurrying about, trying to enjoy some peace and quiet I would assume. I'd never actually seen his face, and we'd been living in New Orleans for a little over a year.

"Lesson plans? You're an elementary art teacher, don't you just tell the kids to draw smiley faces." I knew she was poking fun, and I rolled my eyes. "Art isn't just smiley face's Mo, it's passion and thought provoking and—"Yeah I get it Beverly, Art is life."

I bit my lip "Give me a break, not everyone can be a nurse saving lives and stuff." I eyed her scrubs, and she flashed me a smile.

"Well on that note I'll see you later, I've got work until 3 today" she said. I nodded. "Have fun." I said in a low voice as she closed the door leaving me to my thoughts. It wasn't even cold, I don't have any idea what Mo was talking about.

A few hours and two cups of coffee later I created a pretty solid outline for the upcoming week. Once satisfied, I decided to call my father. It rang three times before going to voicemail. I informed him of my day as if he were actually on the end of the line.

My father was a hardworking man. He sacrificed everything for me, and my older brother Gerald, even more so after the death of our mother the love of his life.

When I was seven my mother tragically passed away due to an incident involving a drunk driver, I spent the majority of that year practically mute, which can somewhat explain my crippling shyness at times.

We were originally from in a small town in southern California, but my mother always had this attachment to New Orleans, Louisiana. 

I remember her vividly. She was soft and kind, but could be stern if necessary. She stayed at home with Gerald and I while our father worked. I looked up to her in every way a young girl should, and I still do.

Soon after our mother's death we moved to NOLA, I would like to think it was in honor of her. I truly believe our dad just couldn't handle the memories in So-Cal any longer.

During my mute year going to school was difficult. The other children would make fun of me for my shyness, and in return it only made me less amicable to speak. This was the year that I met Monique.

She asked me why I never talked, and even in my silence somehow she understood. We have been friends ever since.

There was a slight tapping at the door and it pulled me from my thoughts. I glanced at the time assuming it was the mailman. I was correct. I didn't bother to sort through the mail, instead I set it on the counter, and took a nap.

Today must have been our lucky day in terms of guest because I was awoken by yet another series of knocks.

I suppressed a small yawn, and glanced through the keyhole for safety precautions. It was our neighbor. The one who lived across the way.

I opened the door trying to remember the correct way to greet a stranger. Normally Mo was responsible for this type of thing.

I felt as if there was something on my face. He was staring so intensely I instinctively reached up to wipe away any excess drool that may have formed in the corners of my mouth. I was napping hard.

Clearing my throat I spoke aloud for the first time "I'm sorry can I help you?" It was awkward and I sounded choked.

"Yes, I was wondering if you happened to have received some of my posts, I'm missing something and was curious to know if it may have been sent here instead."

His voice was different than I imagined, it was rather deep and slow. He had an accent as well, English I believe.

"Pardon?" He snapped me out of my trance, how embarrassing. "I'm sorry." I apologized, feeling the heat in my cheeks. "I'll check on that for you, would you like to come in?"

I asked and hoped for some odd reason he wouldn't decline. He smiled thanking me as he passed over the threshold. "Lovely home." He complimented, his voice soothing.

"T-thanks." I stuttered, and immediately felt my cheeks turn pink. After minutes of excruciating small talk I found where I had stacked the mail and began sorting through the letters.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary then I saw it, a single envelope with the name Harry Styles. "I believe this belongs to you." I handed him the letter with shaky hands.

He grinned. Two dimples appeared on each cheek giving him some boyish charm. "Thank you so much, I was worried it had been lost." His eyes were bright green and they were burning with joy. I couldn't help but feel it radiating off of him.

"You're welcome" I said softly, scolding myself for not being able to hold conversation.

"Bev! You will not believe the patient I had today!" Mo's voice pierced through the silence. I watched her as she took off her coat, still speaking unaware of our guest.

"So he had this wicked fever right and so—" she froze mid sentence "why hello." She glanced from Harry to me then back.

"Harry Styles." He stuck out his hand awkwardly. Mo raised her eyebrows but took his hand anyway. "Monique, nice to meet you."

I bit my lip, she was always much better in social situations. She is always the life of the party, gorgeous and confident. Here I was painfully shy.

In this moment however it didn't matter. She was in the room therefore he had to be looking at her. He gave her a quick head nod as he gripped his letter.

"Well, I'll be going now, so sorry for the intrusion." His eyes flickered over to me briefly, just long enough for us to hold a stare.

"No, you didn't intrude, it's totally fine if you need anything you can just come over. I mean it's no problem, yeah." I cringed at my word vomit. Mo was holding back laughter.

If I hadn't turned him off already that surely did. However, he smiled, dimples and all. "I never got your name." He was inching towards the door, slowly but surely.

"Beverly Bennet. That is my name, yep." I just needed to stop speaking. "Beverly, lovely name, alright, thanks again." He gave a final wave before leaving the apartment and shut the door behind him.

I let out a harsh breath, and Mo howled with laughter. "Could you have been anymore socially awkward?" I felt cheeks burning. "You rambled so hard I thought I was going to have to tape your mouth." I knew she was kidding but this time I felt a bit insecure with the whole situation.

"I thought it was game over, but he seemed enamored by you, so I let it be." I rolled my eyes. "Oh shut up you're only saying that because you walked in the room and knew your beauty would distract him."

Mo smiled "Honey, I got a man." I shrugged "A fiancé to be exact." She clicked her tongue "Mr. Styles was focused on you. True story."

"So what about this patient?" I asked changing the subject.

She spouted off retelling her story, and I halfway listened, for I was distracted by the green-eyed boy next door. 

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