Chapter 3

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"How are you doing Bev?" Mo's grandfather croaked. Sixty years of smoking has not been too kind to his voice. "Oh I'm doing alright Mr. Henry." I smiled as I handed him a cup of freshly brewed coffee.

He took it in his shaky hands, and slowly brought it to his lips. His grey beard standing out against his dark brown skin.

"Pop you sound awful, I wish you would let up on the smoking." Mo nagged him and he chuckled. "I've been smoking since my early teens, it's too late to quit now." He teased and she huffed, while rhythmically folding his fresh clothes for him.

Every Friday we come to visit her grandfather. He lives in a small nursing home a little ways from downtown. "You painted me anything new yet Bev?" He asked me and I shook my head. "No, I've been pretty busy with teaching and working on exhibitions." I sighed and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"That's alright, I love the one I have." I smiled looking at the painting on the wall. It was about 6 years old, one of my firsts and obviously it showed in the quality of the work.

Mr. Henry asked me to paint his front porch whenever Mo told him that she was putting him in a home, he wanted a little piece of it to carry with him.

"I could repaint that now." I said scrunching up my nose in distaste. "Don't you dare." He scolded and I giggled.

"How is the wedding planning coming Monique?" He spoke to his granddaughter and she put her fingers up to her temples. "It's so stressful." She sighed and I knew she meant it.

Her and Daryl were getting married in less than six months, and Mo had taken it upon herself to do all the planning on her own, with a little help from me when I could force her to take a breather.

"If I could just figure out how to get mom and dad in the same venue and not have them kill each other that would be great." She complained.

"You know how your mother gets." Mr. Henry chuckled, and Mo rolled her eyes. "Come on pop, you're not being a very good encourager." she whined, and he coughed a few times in response.

"Now sweetheart, you know I'm just teasing you." His voice was deep and smooth, I could listen to him talk for hours. "You're going to make a mighty fine bride, and your mother and father wouldn't mess up your big day because of their differences."

Mo nodded, a little more relieved, and continued folding laundry. We stayed to chat with her grandfather for a little while longer, before saying our goodbyes, and leaving until next Friday.

"That man I swear." Mo started, "he gets me more riled up than Brother Randy on Easter Sunday." I rolled my eyes at her analogy. She ranted while we walked home, I listened because that's what I do best.

I took in the city as we approached downtown, having been walking a minute or two. "Don't you have to stop by the gallery?" Mo reminded me and I nodded. "Yeah, I'm exhibiting two pieces next week, they'll stay for about a month." I said excitedly and Mo smiled.

"So do you get paid for that?." She asked and I sighed. "Only if you win best in show." I explained. Mo made an O shape with her mouth.

The gallery was one of my favorites, small enough to be intimate, but large enough to gather publicity.

"So are these current exhibiters?" Mo asked, looking rather confused as she always tends to do surrounded by art. I nodded feeling excitement from all of the new material I hadn't seen yet.

"Yeah, these images will have their open night and judging tomorrow, we should come." I said and Mo sighed. "I have to work, but how come these are only staying such a short time." She asked.

"They've been here the past month, we've both just been too busy to come look at them." I smiled, and Mo rolled her eyes.

I found myself getting lost in the paintings, my surroundings disappearing in a blur of color, and emotion.

"Hey Bev," Mo's voice broke my trance.

I looked over to see her squinting harshly at one of the pieces towards the center of the room. I hadn't quite made it that far over yet.

"What is it, a naked lady?" I teased. She always complained about the copious amounts of nudity in fine art.

"No Bev, it's you." She said, her voice slightly shaking, and I snorted.



I took three long strides, and met her shoulder to shoulder.

She pointed, and my gaze followed her finger.

Sure enough, there I was, or it was just a closely related doppleganger .

She was sitting on a balcony, technically my balcony, a cup of tea in her hand. The painting was so realistic it was almost as if I were looking at a photograph, however I could see the intricate brushwork, which was even more impressive.

"Is this a joke?" Mo turned to me, and I metaphorically picked my jaw up off the floor. "Maybe it's just a coincidence, it could be anyone." I stated.

"That's not a coincidence, that is you." Mo gawked. "Look, you're even wearing that stupid robe."

"Hey, my brother got me that robe when he was stationed overseas and--"Yeah, Bev I know, not the point, hello you're the subject of a mystery painting, come back." She snapped her fingers.

"Excuse me." I beckoned for the curator, who was standing a few feet away. We had met a few times before, nothing personal, just information about exhibiting my work. I didn't even know her by name.

"Yes?" She answered, a kind but forced smile plastered across her lips. "Is it possible for me to know the name of this  artist?" I pointed towards the painting, hopeful that she would know.

"I'm sorry, but he has requested to remain anonymous." I sighed, but then tilted my head in wonder.

"The subject matter, it's me." I stated in wonder, and the woman let out a sigh. "Well, maybe you were a muse without even knowing."

I shrugged "He, you did say he right?" I wondered aloud. "I apologize Ms. Bennet, but I have given you far too much information already."

She seemed to almost be scolding me. I smiled politely and thanked her for the help.

"Okay, but this is incredible work." Mo was awestruck, and I slapped her hand away as she reached out to touch the painting.

"Come on let's get out of here." I mumbled, taking Mo's wrist to drag her out. "But wait, don't you want to figure this out?" She squirmed.

"No." I felt my heart rate increasing, as I pulled us both out the door.

"We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition opening for your work next weekend Ms. Bennet!"

"Thank you, I'll be seeing you tomorrow as well." I smiled and she waved goodbye completely unbothered by the entire situation.

Mo theorized the entire way home, however I was not paying attention to her ramblings, I was too busy wondering if the artist who captured me in such a quiet moment, was a certain green eyed boy across the way.

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