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I sat and watched the concert for nearly 4 hours. Those boys love what they do and I could see that in their eyes as they walked off stage.

"Did you like the concert?" Then I broke down crying.

"I loved it so much... You guys have saved my life so many times and I just can't think about what my life might be like if you were never in it." I don't even know if he could understand me because of how hard I was sobbing.

"Hey, it's okay. Please don't cry. I am really glad that we were able to help you. Are you going to be okay?" He said.

"Yeah I think that I am going to be okay. Can we talk a little bit." 

"Yeah. Let me get cleaned up. I probably smell like ass."

As we walk back to the dressing room he takes off his shirt leaving him in just his skinny jeans. On one hand I want to attack him and on the other I want to run away screaming. I am to overwhelmed and it is hard.
We get into his dressing room and he grabs a water and sits on the couch under the air conditioning vent.

"So are you okay now?" He asked.

"Yeah I should be. I think I am just really happy. I am happy that I didn't have to pepper spray me." He laughed. His laugh, is now my favorite sound next to his voice.

"Well I'm glad that you are happy. So what are we going to do from here?"

"Oh I was thinking that maybe we could go get dinner. Maybe at Taco Bell?"

"Yeah for sure. I'll text Josh and tell him that we are going. Are you okay if we take my car? I haven't driven in a really long time. I just rented one while we are going to be here."

"Yeah that sounds good." Walking out to the car I start thinking about what might happen. When he told me about the whole renting a car thing I started thinking about what would happen when he left if we ended up being something. I started thinking about what if we ended up getting feelings? What would happen when he left.
We get to the Taco Bell and order our food. All of a sudden his phone rings. He looks  at it and tells me the one thing that might have made or broke our relationship friendship thing.
"Oh that's my girlfriend Jenna. I have to take this." As he walks away I hear a muffled
"Hey babe."
I stand up quickly out of my seat and called Grace.

"Can you come get me? He has a girlfriend and I don't want to end up liking him anymore than I already do." I said.

"Okay. Yeah I have to tell Josh that I am leaving. Where are you?" I then told her where I was. When she pulled up I jumped in her car. We didn't talk at all. I pulled out my phone and texted Tyler.

A- I can't talk to you anymore. I am so proud oof you and Josh and I will be following the band the whole way. I hope that you and Jenna can make each other happy. Thank you for being there for me, no matter how short of a time it was.

T- What are you talking about?

T- Arix?

T- Can you at least let me know that you are going to be okay?

I never replied. It has been almost a year since then and Tyler has texted me almost everyday. I have really wanted to, believe me I have. But the last I knew, Tyler was engaged. Josh was set to be the best man, and Jenna was going to be the beautiful bride that she has always wanted to be. Tyler has told me that things aren't going as well as some people say it is. He and Jenna are actually fighting a lot. They disagree on  almost everything and they just haven't been getting along.

Here I am in a happy and healthy relationship with someone that I love. Brendon Urie. He is the one. Even though there is a age difference, my parents still accept him and vice versa. We have three dogs that I am really obsessed with. They are all huskies which is awesome. I really am happy. Brendon knows about the whole Tyler thing.
So today I saw something on Twitter about the milk fic. I had completely forgot about that being made. So we decided to read it together. He had never heard of it before which is a shock because it was huge a year ago. So as we read it, he got really uncomfortable and walked out...

A few days after this happened I got the text that would probably change my life. For better or worse I could not tell.

T- Jenna cheated on me. I don't know if I can keep going, I'm really sorry.

A- Tyler, what are you talking about?

A- Talk to me please. I'm sorry I never answered. Please tell me that you are going to be okay.

I never got an answer.

So I was going to make this chapter really long but I got really excited and I like the point that it ended on. I hope you enjoyed.

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