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I have been gone for a long ass time... Sorry?

So at this point in my sapy love story you are probably wondering what happened to Brendon. Well, turns out he is the one Jenna cheated on Tyler with.

Tyler had told me after we reunited that he walked in on Jenna and Brendon fucking in his and Jennas' bed. After I found out about this, I planned out a way to make Brendons' life a living hell. Tyler stopped me. It is probably a good thing that he did because even though it has been a few weeks I would probably still be torturing him.

I am off of winter break in a few days. I am kind of excited to go back to school and see Elizabeth and Grace. On the other hand, Tyler graduated from high school a few years ago and I won't be able to see him in class. This year is my senior year and I still have not decided if I am going to college or not.

Now that winter break is over, that means Tyler and Josh will have to leave on the next leg of their tour. I don't know how I am going to deal with them both being gone, and I am sure that Grace is in the same situation. Her and Josh have gotten really close in these past few weeks and if you ask me they are really cute together. We have done many things within the short span of time that we have been together. One day we went to the indoor pool and I almost drowned and Tyler almost had to call an ambulance.
There was this other time when we went to an art museum and we got kicked out for disturbing the peace of the museum. Which was basically us just making out in front of a tour. It was a dare that Josh and Grace gave us, but we dared them to go into the bathroom and act like they were having sex when people went in. They did it. Then an old lady chased them out of the bathroom screaming.

"YOU NEED JESUS YOU CHILDREN YOU! YOU NEED TO START GOING TO CHURCH AND THEN YOU WOULD REALIZED THAT HAVING INTERCOURSE BEFORE MARRIAGE IS GOING TO SEND YOU TO HELL!" As we walked out of the museum Grace looked at me and said something that I would never be able to ever get out of my head. Keep in mind I was an innocent child up until this point.
"The I guess me and Josh are really going to be the rulers of hell then." She saw the shocked look on my face and turned away while laughing.
"MY VIRGIN EARS REALLY DID NOT NEED TO HEAR THAT!" With that Tyler looked at me and gave me yet another surprise for the day.
"Your ears aren't going to be virgin for very much longer though." Oh my goodness. I swear I have blushed so much today that my cheeks are going to be forever pink. It has been so good to reconnect with these boys.
(A.N. So at this point I haven't been writing in this book in a really long time. I forgot everything that i have wanted to put into it. Fuckmy life. PS I ACTUALLY REALLY FUCKING LOVE JENNA LIKE A LOT SHE IS JUST A BITCH IN THIS FOR THE SAKE OF THE PLOT I KNOW THAT SHE WOULD NEVER DO THIS TO TY AND B WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON SARAH. )

Today is the day that Tyler has to leave for tour. I am so scared that we are going to drift apart while he is gone that I really don't want him leaving. It is 2 in the morning and I had stayed over at Tylers house so I can see him off in the morning. I sit up in bed and just start looking at Tyler, drinking in every detail of his face so that I don't forget what he looks like while he is gone. Suddenly Tyler opens his eyes.

"I could feel you staring at me." He says and I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Sorry, I just couldn't sleep. I don't want you to leave and I don't want you to go back to school." I say looking down.

"I am sorry Love. I wish I didn't have to leave but I can't just cancel the tour. If you didn't have school I would drag you with me." I then chuckle. 

I then lean down to press my lips softly to his. He grabs the side of my face and I put my hands in his hair. Our lips start to move together slowly. He slowly shifts so that he is on top of me. He has both of his hands on my waist holding me in place. Not like I am planning on going anywhere anyways. He slowly slides his tounge along my lower lip asking for entrance. I slowly part my lips allowing the kiss to deepen. His tounge moves with mine in a dance that I couldn't even explain. It is like we are trying to say goodbye with out actually saying it. The kiss goes further and further until we are both undressed and desperate to feel eachother. The things that happen in the next moment are everything that could be explained as perfect. It is a display of love that I am not sure can be explained in words.

When we had both finished, Tyler pulled me closer to his body.

"God I love you so much." He said.

"I love you." With those word said, we both fall asleep in a peaceful slumber until morning when Ty had to leave. It is just us in this moment not worrying about anything, just holding eachother.

Okay look do not kill me.... Okay I give you full permission to kill me. Do It. Please. No but really I am sorry if you were waiting for this even though this isn't very good. I have been putting this off for a while cause I have been on a reallybad place. I hope you liked this chapter cause I don't know when the next one is coming.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2017 ⏰

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