Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"ANDREW MY WATER BROKE" Mila  says with a horrified look on her face.
"Ok don't panic let's get you to the hospital" Andrew says as he picks up Mila and puts her in the car. Andrew lays her across the back seats of their CRV and Andrew drives quickly. Poor Mila was screaming in pain the entire time because she went into labor. After 20 agonizing minutes the couple arrives at the hospital. Andrew picks up Mila and takes her inside.
"SOMEONE HELP MY WIFE SHES IN LABOR" Andrew screams to the nurses. Just then there were three nurses helping Mila. One trying to calm down the woman in labor, one telling her to breathe while putting her in a wheelchair, and another one getting her a room to have her baby.
Mila was immediately put in a room and hooked up to a bunch of machines to check her dilation.
"Ok she is 5cm dilated already it won't be long until this baby comes out," one of the nurses says and leaves the room
Andrew is next to Mila holding her hand and rubbing her knuckles the way he always does to calm her down. After a few more harsh contractions, the birth began. After an hour, Chasity Anne Cooper was born. Mila fell asleep with Chasity peacefully laying on her chest. In the morning, the nurse ran in and she looked like she had just seen a ghost.
"What is it?" Mila asked poor nurse
"The building is under attack by robots we have to get you out! Oh i just knew this would happen with all of this technology. It's not safe for you or your baby to stay here not even in this country you have to get out!" The nurse yelled as she hurried to sneak Chasity, Mila and Andrew out of the building. Andrew and Mila were scared for the future for them but more importantly for their new daughter.
"What are we going to do?" Mila asks through her tears to Andrew
"We have to do what's best for our daughter" Andrew says as they run out of the building a secret way.
"We can get out of here safely but i don't know how far you can make it without getting hurt" the nurse says through her tears
"Andrew I'm scared" Mila says to Andrew and Andrew just nods.
Just then the TV comes on with breaking news
"Attention Attention as you all know we are under attack and the only way to survive would be putting your loved ones on the SkyCity ship. This ship is leaving today at noon and will travel for 50 years. We are going to a new planet that was just discovered and can hold humans. This planet is called Aknar. However, you can only send a minimum of 2 people per family on the ship because of the capacity. Thank you that's all for now," the news anchor says with sheer terror on his face
"I know what we have to do" Andrew looks at Mila when the broadcast was over.
"I don't care what it is as long as Chasity is safe," Mila says through sobs. "I love this little girl but if she died i wouldn't know what to do," Mila continues
"Mila she's not going to die," Andrew says while grabbing Mila's hands
"How?" Mila asks through her sobs
"We are going to put you and Chasity on the SkyCity ship it's the only way the survive" Andrew says while subtlety crying at the thought of losing the people he loves the most.
"What about you?" Mila asks genuinely concerned about the one she loves
"I would rather you and Chasity be safe" Andrew says because it would pain him to see the two girls get hurt
"I'm not going if you aren't going i love you to much and i don't care if i die all i care about is spending every possible second with you and mostly saving Chasity" Mila says looking into Andrews eyes. The family is currently hiding in a secret room in the back of the hospital waiting for the robots to get distracted.
"You want to just put Chasity on the ship?" Andrew asks
"I mean i would like her to have parents but i also want all of us on the ship and because that's not possible i think we will just have to pretend after we put her on the ship she doesn't exist as sad as that is," Mila says looking at Chasity lovingly
"Oh Chasity you are beautiful and you are going to be smart like your mother and father. You are too good and innocent for this world I'm so sorry you have to go through this," Andrew says to the baby girl. Chasity looked at her dad and gave the biggest smile she could give him at 1 day old, which wasn't very big.
The Cooper family left the hospital through that secret door the nurse knew about. The family got in the car and drove to where the news said the ship was. On the way to the ship, Mila put a picture of herself, and a letter she wrote. Mila wanted Chasity to understand when she was older that her parents loved her and didn't neglect her but wanted to keep her safe.
"I wonder if Jonas, my old friend from high school is the pilot, he told me before i met you that the ship SkyCity was going to be invented" Mila said to Andrew trying to distract herself from what awful thing she's about to do.
"Maybe" Andrew said to Mila not really paying attention
The Coopers arrived at the boarding station for the spaceship. Mila carried Chasity and just stared at her.
"She looks just like her mother, beautiful," Andrew says taking over last look at their daughter.
Mila was just crying. They got to the station entrance where they will say goodbye to their daughter with the 99 percent chance they will never see Chasity again.
"Jonas?" Mila asks as she sees a familiar face
"Mila? Mila Sanders is that you?" Jonas asks not believing who is standing 3 feet in front of him.
"Yeah i haven't seen you in forever" Mila says wiping away her tears
"Are you coming on my spaceship? Jonas asks excited to see his old friend again
"You own this ship?" Mila asks curiously
"Yeah i invented SkyCity, I'll be your pilot," Jonas says assuming Mila is coming aboard
"Well looks like my daughter will be in good hands" Mila says smiling but not flirting.
"Daughter?" Jonas asks so confused after all the last time Jonas and Mila talked they were both single and weren't thinking about getting married and having kids yet. Now they are both married and Mila has a daughter.
"Yeah i got married last year and had my daughter early yesterday morning," Mila says starting to tear up again
"Wow, so welcome aboard" Jonas says
"Umm actually I'm not boarding my daughter is" Mila says in an upset tone
"What about you?" Jonas asks concerned for his friend
"I'm going to try to go back home with my husband Andrew" Mila says to Jonas who still looks a little bit confused
"You know you will die out here right?" Jonas asks trying to be protective
"I know but i just wanted Chasity my daughter safe and i wanted to stay with Andrew because if 3 can't board then only one will, the child" Mila says with a pained look on her face
"Who will raise her?" Jonas asks
"Are there any women who could take care of her?" Mila asks
"Yes I have a person in mind hold on I'll go get her" Jonas says disappearing on what looks like the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars but just about 10 times bigger.
"Mila" Andrew says trying to get her attention
"Yeah?" Mila asks turning her attention towards her husband
"We didn't get a birth certificate from the hospital in all of the chaos" Andrew says in a very concerned voice
"We can let her other parents or parent take care of that because in a few minutes we are going to pretend like she isn't our daughter and keep it a secret from her until she is old enough to understand," Mila says crying again
"I'm so sorry i know how much you love her. We both do but it isn't safe for her out here and i would feel a lot better knowing she will be alive and well taken care of here" Andrew says wiping Mila's tears
"It hurts my heart just imagining her being older and someone told her her parents just left her here" Mila says and begins to cry harder
"We want what's best for her and she will be ok and not hurt here we love her and i know it's terrible you will just have to accept it i know you are upset i am too" Andrew says to Mila raising his voice a little bit
"I know you're right but it will take me awhile if we don't die" Mila says in reply
"I'm sorry" Andrew says as he pulls Mila into a hug
"I'll be ok i know i will it just hurts my heart now but thank you" Mila says and Andrew just nods his head.
Just then Jonas comes back with a woman.
"Hi I'm Diane and Jonas told me everything. I don't have any children but i used to foster toddlers and young kids who didn't have parents. Don't worry no one will know about you guys and I'll be Chasity's mom," Diane, a sweet woman said.
"Thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me honestly," Mila says and hugs Diane
"It's ok sweetheart i understand what you are going through. I won't tell her until she is mature enough to understand. I know that you know she deserves to know just not now," Diane says sweetly and calmly in a soothing motherly voice. It was at that moment that Mila knew Chasity was in good hands.
"I have a picture of her birth mother and a letter explaining everything that i wrote for her to read whenever you feel she's ready," Mila says calmly, for the first time today. 
"Ok thank you i will hide this somewhere safe. Also, just so you know I stay automatically in first class because i am a part of the crew but don't do that much so i work to earn enough money but i will be able to raise Chasity," Diane says with a smile on her face at Chasity.
"Ok we are going to go. Goodbye baby girl mommy and daddy love you I'm so sorry this had to happen but you're in good hands," Mila says and after their goodbyes, her and Andrew left. Diane, Chasity, and Jonas boarded the ship and began the takin off process. Meanwhile, Andrew and Mila went into the streets which was a bad idea, there were robots everywhere. All of them were so powerful destroying everything in their path. These robots are just killing any person they see. Andrew and Mila knew they made the right decision about Chasity living on the ship when they saw hundreds of thousands of bodies laying everywhere. There was no chance of survival. Sadly, Mila and Andrew died trying to get to their apartment due to the robots.

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