Chapter Five

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Vernon untied Harry and ordered him then and there to make food for them all (except Harry of course because he was 'too fat' to need to eat). Harry stumbled tiredly to the kitchen and prepared a meal that could feed a family of ten. 

When nobody was looking, Harry sneaked a slice of bread and a bit of bacon from the hearty meal, stuffing it into his pocket to have later. 

With a lot of effort, Harry moved the plates onto the dining table and waited for the three to come to the table. Dudley tucked straight in, as did Vernon, but Petunia just sat on her chair and stared at Harry.  

Her face had become pale and she looked horrified at the sight of him. She then looked down at her lap and pulled a flask out of her pocket and began drinking whatever the contents was. Harry knew it was most likely an alcoholic drink as his aunt had begun drinking a few years ago and he often found her to be drinking in the evenings.

Vernon was a cheat and often went out at night to find his next one night stand. Petunia knew of his infidelity but ignored them out of fear for his rath going from Harry to her or even Dudley. She didn't care so much for Harry as she did for herself and her own son, so she ignored the abuse that Harry was being subjected too. 

Dudley was sure to grow up to be just like his father, a brute. A cheating, abusive brute. That was his fate, Harry thought. He was heading down that path. He beat Harry to an inch of his life, he demanded of everyone, he cheated on his own girlfriend. 

It was Vernon's fault for poisoning Dudley's brain and Harry knew that but he couldn't help but hate him. He caused him so much pain, so much suffering that it didn't matter why he did it anymore. It only mattered that he did do it. 

Vernon ordered Harry to his cupboard and there Harry went, quickly eating his food and then laying his head onto the piss covered carpet and falling into an uneasy sleep.


"Potter! Potter get up there is somebody here to see you!" Petunia yelled from the cupboard door. Harry opened the door to see his aunt clutching her forehead having an obvious headache. She must be hungover.

Harry looked down at himself, noticing there was blood covering him. He wished it away and to his surprise, away it went. Harry walked to the door which was slightly ajar and looked at the lady who stood by it. Her hair was in a tight bun and her face was wrinkly and saggy. Her lips were pressed tightly together and she wore a green dress as her attire.

"Hello, Mr Potter. I am professor McGonigal." Said the lady in a Scottish accent. She smiled at Harry who looked back at her. "I am a professor at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."  

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