If I Really Died (Atami) - Part: 1

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(I don't know about the photo but, meh)

Third Person POV

She was impaled by a magma fist but that did nothing but leave a scar on her back & chest/stomach, what really hurt her was losing her arm & life. Lying her head on her younger brother's lap, who was Ace, she helplessly watched as he cried onto her but she smiled up at him

"Keep your eyes... on Luffy. Would you, Ace?" he sobs a little before slowly nodding his head

"I-I will! I promise you, Atami!" she smiles as she caresses his face with her blood arm, it then dissolves & her eyes slowly close

"Good... I love you two... till we m-meet again." & she was out like a light, her body was lifeless & her tanned skin was now pale as a ghost. Her younger brothers, & everyone else who loved her, cried out in sadness that their beloved Atami, was dead

Atami POV (Already XD)

I woke up with a groan as I felt something bright on my closed eyes, I slowly open them as a groan escaped my lips. I sit up & look around & see nothing but clouds, I look up at the sky it was so bright it didn't seem like it rained at all. I stood up & felt a wave of pain in my right arm so I look over at it & noticed... it was missing

"Oh... am I dead?" I look around again before taking a step, only to fall onto the ground with a thud, or a fluff? It didn't hurt in the less, I got up again until I noticed two figures in the distances, a woman & a male "Hello?" as I got closer I felt myself sprinting towards him

"We've missed you so much!"

"Atami!" I stopped where I was & realized who was right in front of me

"Mum... dad?"

"That's right, sweetheart! Give us a hug!" I didn't think twice us I jumped over to them & gave them a big hug with only one arm

"I never though I-I would ever get to see you!" I felt tears hit the back of my neck, I look up & see that my mum was crying, same with my father

"Same with us." they helped me up & I almost stumbled backwards, because of the uneven weight, but they caught. I look down at my missing arm & sigh sadly, they seemed to have done the same thing

"Man, this sucks. My arm is gone." soon enough a fazed one appeared over my stump arm, I raise an eyebrow as I lift my arm up & clench it "Nevermind." the three of us link arms & they led me into the town or village or whatever it was! that was when I felt familiar footsteps so I turn around & grinned "Whitebeard!" I hug him, well he bent down & hugged me, & smiled

"Lovely seeing you here brat!"

"Lovely my butt, I'm dead, your dead, we're all dead!"

"But at least I feel healthy again." I laugh & felt him pat my back, a little to hard actually & he accidentally smacked me into the ground, I only got up & started laughing "Now that's my girl!"

"Excuse me, Newgate, she's my daughter so back off!"

"I'm sorry Roger, but I've been a better father figure towards her since you've been dead!" the two started to argue while mum & I stood there before looking at each other & laughing, she linked arms with me before leading me away

"How about I show you two our house." I nod

"Alright." it didn't take long when we found ourselves in front of a nice house, she gave me a little tour & in the backyard was a nice garden where hibiscus flowers were being grown, I pick one up & smile at it "Their my favorite." she then takes it from my hands & puts it behind my ear & smiles

"You kinda look like me a little." I look through a reflection & notice the resemblance, the hair, the freckles, the eyes & a bit of the skin

"Ace is a mixture of you & dad!" she giggled & ruffled my head, I smile & lean into her hand. I then hug her again & eventually falling onto the ground with her on top of me, I was laughing a lot & she giggled "I love you mum, & I'm happy that I'll be spending my time with you & dad."

"I wouldn't say it better." I look over & see that dad was smiling at the two of us, she soon got off me but was lying beside me on my right, dad soon comes over & lies on my left & the three of us smile

"Now... I'm kinda happy I'm dead."

(what do you think? I'm gonna make a part 2 but, hope you liked it)

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