If I Really Died (Atami) - Part: 3

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uThird Person

Atami had been visiting the living world more then you think, nearly everyday! Like I said, nearly everyday. Usually she'd go down to explore & check on her three younger brothers, Opal & Thatch as well. One time Luffy almost fell into a deep river that was filled with sea water but she was floating by & stopped him by grabbing his collar & pulling him away

She also had gone to the government to see that they were getting a new Admiral to replace Akainu, they say he died a 'Hero'.  Hero my ass! She hasn't seen him at all in heaven so she's thinking he's burning in hell, she laughs a little but shakes her head, that's kinda harsh in her point of view, but he deserves it!

Its been two years now & the Straw Hat Pirates had come out of hiding & to be honest, Atami was impressed at how much they've grown over the time skip. She sat on a tree that was near the Sunny Go & smiled at how happy Luffy was, even Ace was there. Suddenly Luffy sensed her was being watched & turn his head to where Atami was, her eyes widened as she turned invisible

"Whats wrong, Luffy-san?" Brook asked, he stared deeper at where she was before shrugging

"Nothing, nothing wrong at all!" when they went underwater, Atami appeared again & sighed while putting her hand to her chest

"That was close." then she disappeared back to her world, that was when she got a scolding from her mother

"Atami, sweetheart, you almost got seen!" she said as she cupped Atami's face

"I know, calm down. At least it wasn't a stranger or anything." Atami said as she grabbed her mother's hand from her face & smiled "But I really wish he did see me." she added as she let go of her mother's hands & went over to where she could see them

"You stress me out sometimes."

"Don't stress, I'm 23 now." she looks over & see's that Luffy was fanning over Franky's new body, she cringed at how weird he looks "I take back what I said before." Whitebeard came over & watched how happy the Whitebeard Pirates were, they all moved on & even Ace was back as the right hand man to the captain, which was Marco

"They look so happy." Atami pats his shoulder

"Mm, I agree, but I want Marco & Devina to get married & children!" Marco then shuddered 

"Whats the matter Marco?" 

"N-Nothing, just got a sudden chill up me spine." that was when Atami started laughing out loud, even Whitebeard joined her

"He still doesn't have the balls to ask her!" she then wipes away a tear before sighing, "But I really wonder when the ASL are going to get married, till the future I guess!" Whitebeard chuckled & ruffled her head

"Of course."

Time Skip - Few Years Later (that was quick)

Atami found out that the ASL were getting married to Tsume, Mama & Keisha & she flipped the fuck out in happiness! She was so happy for them that she couldn't stop crying, she then had a determined look in her eyes as she said she was going to visit them, she also wanted to give a gift to them but didn't know what, until a idea came to her head

"Neh, Olvia, am I able to bring something from here down there?"

"Yes, why do you ask Atami-san?"

"I have an idea for a gift!" she got the three gifts ready & in a few hours the wedding would begin so just to be nice she put on a nice simple outfit that pleased her mother

(minus the bag)

"Please Atami, don't stay too long, & also tell Ace we love him so dearly

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"Please Atami, don't stay too long, & also tell Ace we love him so dearly." she nods before hugging both her mother & father & going into the living world. She was on Dawn Island & she smiled before making her way up the mountain & found out they were doing the ceremony, she looked at the three little gifts in her pocket before floating over & sitting on a tree

The three brides were being walked down the isle by Sanji, Zoro & Marco. When they made it to the ASL the 6 blushed & Atami giggled a little & noticed that Ace & Tsume had a hibiscus flower in their hair

"Sabo, Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace, do you take Keisha Winter, Matangaro Taufa & Tsume Romana to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love & to hold, till death do you part?"

"I do!" they say together

"Keisha Winter, Matangaro Taufa & Tsume Romana, do you take Sabo, Monkey D. Luffy & Portgas D. Ace to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love & to hold, till death do you part?" they nod

"I-I do..."

"You may now... (pauses)... kiss the bride!" water was behind them so Atami shaped it in a heart as the 6 kiss each other, when they separate Koala nudged Sabo

"Nice effect."


"The water." he looks over & notices the heart shaped water & with swirls here & there, his eyes widened "Whats the matter?"

"That's not me." their eyes widened but once they look back at the water it had dissolved & Atami started laughing & everyone heard so she kinda freaked out & fell off the tree & into a bush

"Did anyone else hear that?" people nodded & started walking over to where she was so she turned invisible & went over to a table where the gifts were but accidentally bumped it & everyone turned over to the table

'Crap! I suck at this.' that's when she jumped into a box that had a present in it, they all run over to it & Usopp, Chopper & Nami started to shiver

"Its like a ghost is here!" she started to sweat bullets, she then heard footsteps walk into the forest so she fazed through the gift box but whipped her head over to see... Chopper standing there

"Oh crud."

"At--" she stops him by covering his mouth

"Shut up! Don't yell or scream, please?" he slowly nods as she takes her hand away, only for him to scream him lungs out

"Ghost! Atami ghost!"

"Bastard!" she then heard them coming back over so she floated away "Man, Chopper really can't keep his mouth shut." she watches from afar how they were trying to calm him down while she floats away & suddenly music started playing

'Hmm, I know this song.' she started singing the song which caught everyone's attention & they all looked over to see...

"N-No way..."

"It can't be!"


(in the next chapter it'll be her singing the song & other shit)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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