If I Really Died (Atami) - Part: 2

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Third Person POV

It'd been a few days & all of the people Atami befriended were either sad, angry or shocked over her death. Luffy was awake with bandages wrapped around his body & was going on a rampage & was destroying the forest. Ace was on the submarine, sitting in the darkest corner, while rocking back & forward. He hasn't eaten, slept or showered in days & he had blood shot eyes

Sabo had found out about her death & he was trigger & all his memories came back to his head, he cried out & was out in a heartbeat, & so he was in a coma for a couple days as well. The Whitebeard Pirates had gone dull at the lost of their captain & a friend, Opal & Thatch had took it pretty hard & cried

"Wow, all because of my death. They need to get over it." she said as she munched on something she was able to eat

"Hey! Your not the only one who died!" Whitebeard yelled

"Yeah I know but, they gotta get over it though. They're all gonna die someday." suddenly she was smacked behind the head by Rouge, her mother

"That is very rude Atami." she pouts at her mother

"Sorry." she (Rouge) giggles "But its true! Maybe not Opal & whoever finds my fruit but you know what I mean!" Roger nods in agreement before ruffling her head, making her swat his hand away

"I gotta agree with Atami, its not like its the end of the world that their favorite person is gone." Atami & Whitebeard look at him while crossing their arms 

"Ah huh, yet their captain is dead & girlfriend & also sister & master!" Atami had said, Whitebeard nods

"My sons will move on, but what about Thatch?" she sighed a little before looking down again & saw a sad Thatch, that's when she slams her fists on the ground & notices the ocean violently shook

"Whoa, what was that?" they shrug

"Its probably nothing but a storm approaching." Atami looked down at her hands before clenching them & smirking

"I can still control the ocean!" it then gave her an idea & she slithered a little trail of water into Thatch's room & formed a little hibiscus flower on his desk. As he wiped away the tears he looked at the flower in shock

"Atami?" he picks the flower up & notices the water hardened so her clenched his fist so he could break it, but it didn't. It was still able to move but it was unbreakable, it was like a glass flower that could move because of the wind, like a actually flower "I won't ever forget about you, Atami."

"I kinda hope he does forget me, its a faster way to move on."

"Atami!" she started laughing

Atami POV

"So wait, let me get this straight. We, are able to go back down there, as ghosts, & roam around as we please?" Olvia, Robin's mother, nodded her head with a smile

"That's another way we've been keeping an eye on you kid, your mother & father would barely though, same with a couple others but you get it. It usually takes a couple weeks or months for us to be able to go back down & it only lasts a few minutes or hours. But if I'm right, since you've eaten the Angel Fruit you can go down as long as you like & it only takes a few days for you to go back again." I grin



"That is so cool! So practically, if I go down there I'm a ghost?" she nods again

"Correct." I fist bump the air

"Awesome!" Olvia explained to me a couple more details about the ability we dead ones posses like fazing through things, floating & turning invisible, basic ghost stuff "That is so cool!"

"But the thing is, we cannot be seen by the ones who are alive."

"Why not?" she shrugs

"I was never told either, must be bad or something." I nod & look down at my hand & clench my hand into a fist, I walk out of the room & look down at the ASL. Luffy had calmed down & cheered Ace up, Sabo was up & was calm as well while the Whitebeard Pirates visited Whitebeard & I's grave & left flowers while Thatch held onto the one I left him

"Did Olvia tell you what we can do?" Roger asked me from behind

"Yes." it was silent for awhile until he added

"When are you going to go visit them?"

"When the time is right, probably when they get married or when they get children & I become a auntie!" I squeal in joy "Or they get captured again & I have to beat their asses to a pulp." I hear him laugh then feel him sweat drop

"Now that's my little girl." I laugh at that

If She Really Died (One Piece One Shots... Kinda?)Where stories live. Discover now