Her first year - Finding A Soul

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Finding A Soul


At the night of the same day Hermione found herself laying in her bed and thinking about the older boy.
She couldn't understand how his presence had made her feel so superior to others. In the moment she had been with him it had felt so good, but now... now she ached for a hot bath so she could rub off all the dirt.

She tried to sleep, but her toughts were keeping her awake. So she sat up after a while longer and walked to one of the high windows of her dormitory. In that moment she was happy that only the common room of her house was under the ground and not all the rest too.

The moon shone its silver light down on her as she searched for comfort in it, sitting down on the windowsill and closing her eyes, nearly smiling.

'Hermione?', a voice whispered from one of the beds.
'Yes?', she asked in an equally low tone. She heard movements and tiptoes moving over the cold floor. Seconds later Bellarose sat opposite of her.
'Why aren't you sleeping?', Rose asked.
'I'm not really tired.'
The curly haired new that Rose gave her a disbelieving look, but she only had eyes for the beauty of the moon.

'Is it because of Tom Riddle?'
Hermione for an instant froze in her admiration. She hoped that her friend hadn't seen it so she just said: 'The second year? Why shouldn't I sleep because of him?'

There was silence, before Rose rised her voice again. 'I know you, Herm.. or at least I believe I do. I saw how you reacted to him and I also know how many tried to get his attention in the past-'

Hermione interrupted her by making an amused sound.

Rose rose one eyebrow but continued either way.

'I mean it, Sigyn!' Hermione imediatly knew that the girl was beeing serious and stayed silent. The other Slytherin had never used her second name before.

'His charisma is like a drug for many. They crave for his attention. But you did nothing, Herm, and even so he gave you more than to the ones who tried to please him.'

Some time passed in which the sound of their breathing barely could be heard, before Hermione replied. 'But there is nothing special about me.' It was as if she had said it to herself, then, a bit louder she continued: 'I mean... I belong to a great family. I know that, but there a many who belong to rich and powerful ones.' Rose shook her head and smiled lightly.

'It isn't about your family. It's about you. I guess we'll find out soon enough what exactly it is he sees, but it only can be about you.'

And with that they both looked up to the moon again, the only witness of their conversation.


As the next day was a saturday, everyone slept nearly till midday. Not so Hermione and Bellarose, who, despite their late night talk, woke up quite early, but with different intentions.

Rose wanted to enjoy a long bubble bath without all the other first years around her while reading an historic and romantic muggle book. She had changed the cover of the book because of Grindelwald and his followers. They could be found everywhere these days.

Hermione on the other hand wanted to finish her homework in the library.

The young girl therefore was the only one in the quiet paradise. As she finished with what she had to do, she wandered along the bookshelves and lost herself in her thoughts.
Suddenly she saw someone at the other side of the corridor she was in and was patheticaly shocked. Hermione rolled her eyes at her own behaviour but hid in the shadows nonetheless.
She couldn't explain why she concealed herself from him.

Maybe she didn't know how to act infront of him after last nights conversation with Rose..

Because the boy standing there obviously was Tom Riddle.

She used her hiding spot to have a closer look at him. Everything about him seemed perfectly normal, or at least at first. Hermione noticed the fact that he must be twelve but acted way older. His hair was too flawless for a saturday morning, his movements too grown-up and he wore his school uniform.

The boy left the book in its place and went, not looking around. Hermione, pushed by her curiousness, took the book and moved to a table near a fireplace. She dearly wanted to know something about him but what exactly had made her believe that the book he read, revealed something about his character? That was what she thought just moments after opening it, deceived.

It was about the sacred 28 pureblood families - a book that also could be found in the library of her family manor.
She sighted disappointed and leaned back in her seat.

'What are you reading?'
He made her cringe and smiled diffidently down on her.
His look was so innocent that she hated him for it.
'May I sit?', he asked as she didn't answer. She nodded.

'Do you know why I read the book?', he continued. He knew it. Riddle knew which book that was and that she had watched him.
'Did you?', Hermione replied nevertheless, acting surprised.
'Don't fool me. I saw you.' His smile iced while saying it.
'Did you?', the girl repeated.

He looked at her as if he saw her for the first time.

And he smiled sincerely.


Hey everyone!
Guess why he smiled? :D

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