TV SHOW!!! New years!!! Part 1: the walk'n talk, I DRUGGED EVERYONE!!!

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Rio: Hoi there peeps! Sorry were not on a stage were actually in my room right now and at the moment I'm with Justin, Wolf, Crescent, and another friend of mine... Mb!!!

Mb: I didn't know you were doing tv shows!

Rio: well now you know! Oh also there is going to be no update in the back up series today because everyone says they... they don't want too! They legit begged me to not act today... man..

Crescent: uhhh anyways why are we in your room?

Rio: idk I was too lazy to go to the stage soooo... I guess we could all go walking around town today right?

Justin: but aren't we going to attract a lot of people...?

Rio: Were gonna do it like one of those Japanese tv shows ya know? OH *claps hands* WHICH REMINDS ME! We all need to sing a song at our concert tonight for the New Years!

Wolf: are you serious!? That's even more tiring then acting!!!

Rio: well everyone preferred that sooo... yea okay? Justini defo know wut song ur singing!

Justin: eyyyyyy!

Wolf: can we just go on the walk and get over with it? *walks out the door*

Crescent: good point! *walks with Wolf*

Rio: ._. I ship it •_•

Everyone else there: *walks outside to where Wolf and Crescent is*

Rio: okay so because we're in Japaaaaaa-

Wolf: wait wait waaaaait... how did we get to Japan?

Rio: well... walk'n talks near places in lovers lane is boring soooo... I sorta drugged everyone and brought them to Japan to make the plane ticket cheaper

Camera man: WHAT!? I didn't sign up for this!!!

Rio: too bad I'll give you a raise if you don't quit

Mb: Are you serious!?!? How did that happen to me and wolf!? We're both part robot! How's that...

Rio: your robot systems already know *nods head*
Either waaaay... don't worry we'll make it tonight! It's only a 11 hour plane ride! Or we can use Wolfs boxes!

Everyone: 11 HOURS!?

Wolf: were using my boxes...

Justin: I was hopping you would say that...


Mb: that place with the prissy, cute and Kawaii stuff?

Crescent: YES! I wanted to go there!!!

Rio: Same!!! I wanna buy some of there cloths!!!

Justin: can't you buy cloths anywhere in Japan?

Rio: Harajukus cloths are cuuuuuute!!! But real expensive...

Mb: k where's the limo?

Rio: yeaaaaa... no limo

Wolf: whaaaaat! Can't you afford one!?

Rio: well I don't want to get a limo okay? Instead I was thinking one of us could drive

Crescent: buuuuuut we don't have drivers licenses in Japan

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