Regina George of Lee Academy

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I absolutely hate the first day of school. Especially when it was on a Monday. All you do is meet teachers who don't like you just because you are a senior. Then you try to figure out where you are in the high school food chain.

I was sitting with Lacy at lunch when suddenly she starts glaring at someone behind me. "Who are you looking at?"I ask as I turn around.

"Only the Regina George of Lee academy " she replies. All of a sudden I spit her and Lacy was right she did act like a Regina George. " Her name is Isabella Black. She's a snob and daddy's little princess. She has him wrapped around her finger." Lacy told me.

" How am I not surprised? "sarcasm dripping from my words. I mean she literally just started strutting across the quad. Acting like she owns the place. "Let me guess she is the head cheerleader and is dating Isac Anderson."

"How do you know the bad boy? " Wait WHAT? When I met Isac he seemed really sweet.

" I only guessed because he seemed to be the most popular. Wait isn't the quarter back normally the most popular?

"Well duh! He is the quarter back." I did a double take He was my competition for quarter back.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur which none of it mattered because now it was time to practice for tryouts which were on Friday.

Was up my dawgs? JK I never do that. In real life
Anyway hope you like it so far

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