The Talk

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"I thought when I first started this show...this invigoration of the macabre and the population of the freaks that I would get somewhere. Those who are abandoned by the father, the son, and the holy spirit. There were so many events in the lifetime of time of this show that I could count the memories endlessly." The Circus Master begins to explain to the other man with him.

The two men both walk and sit down on a park bench during the autumn, the trees are turning an orange and brownish hue of a color. They both sit down, watching the leaves fall as they begin to talk more.

"So what inclined you to start this show?" The Man asks The Circus Master.

"I come from a town not too far over from where we are now. It's a town of meagerness. The people are poor, they have no future, and no prospects. By starting this show in the town, I was able to bring a bit of life into a dead, dead, town. I mean, if there's a demand then someone has to meet it right? People love the strange, just as much as sex itself when it comes to entertainment. Sometimes, you could even mix the two, but let's not talk about that right now."

"So how did you get the show started?" The Man curiously queries The Circus Master about.

"At first it was tough, there wasn't really any freaks in my town. So we had nothing, but we made up specimens of a queer sort. It was like living a fictional fairy tell. At least the show was. We would bring people in and they would be flabbergasted by the art. While supplementing this with living statues, you know the type right?" The Circus Master responds.

"Yes, I do. The kind of real people who are like mines right? Good at staying absolutely still until someone provokes a response from one of them?"

"Exactly." The Circus Master retorts. "So on our first night with actual freaks. Let me tell you, it was quite a wonderful night to be had!" The Circus Master happily declares. "We found a deformed woman. Her legs were like that of stumps, but not the kind of an amputated sort no, her legs were just bended. Bended at the bone like a messed up wishbone." The Circus Master begins to explain. "Then there was the man with a lizard's tongue. He was supposedly born with such a feature. Along with a few other freaks were happily welcomed into my town's show. We could use the shock of seeing such macabre like objects, because that is what their lives reduced the freaks too. Nothing, but absolute objects."

Is this man a lunatic, or just joking? I hope for my own sake that he's just spinning a yarn.

The Man leans in, eager to hear more.

"So how did you pay the freaks then if they were about of your show?" The Man reposts.

"We didn't, we took them in and gave them food. They were either going to be in our show or peddling on their own for the rest of their lives. Personally, as head of this freak show, I felt proud to be giving such poor souls a home. Some didn't come willing though, so on the first night we had to use ecstatic methods to keep them in check."

The Man lets out a loud yelp as he feels something bite him on his skinny arm. As he does he sees it's a horse fly that has bitten him. He quickly swats it and as he does The Circus Master just chuckles.

"Bugs, one just has to hate them right?" The Circus Master laughs out.

"As I was saying, at first we used whips. The men were rebellious at first, and would try to fight those who came to discipline them into submission. So we had to resort to chaining them up to posts and whipping them again until they agreed to behave. They may have been created by god, but they were managed by me."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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