Chapter 10 - Abducted And Scarred

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Krista and Myra walked down the corridor, heads bent together and softly discussing who to rule out as suspects of the murders. They were heading to dinner, where most of the school already was. They walked into the hall together, taking seats by Yao and Rose and across from Ian. Acting as if they hadn't been talking about the murder, Krista and Myra laughed and talked with the rest of Ravenclaw. However, both Krista and Myra noticed something weird about the water they drank. It tasted... sour?

"Hey, Yao?" Krista asked. "Can water go bad?"

"No, why?" Yao asked.

"No reason... Just wondering." Krista said.

After dinner, Krista and Myra decided to discuss suspects somewhere other than the common room or the girl's dormitory. They were walking to the first-floor girls' bathroom when Krista suddenly felt dizzy.

"Hey, Myra? Can we slow down?" She asked shakily, holding onto the wall.

"Why? Are you okay?" Myra asked.

Then the dizzy spell hit Myra. She gasped and also leaned on the wall.

The world suddenly felt really hot. Krista's gaze blurred and she vaguely heard Myra shout, "KRISTA!" before her vision went black.


The girls woke up lying on the cold, stony floor of the girl's bathroom. Krista noticed that her eyes felt wet. She realized she'd been crying. She rolled her head to the side to see Myra sitting up.

"Ugh... my head.." Myra groaned.

"How did we even get here?" Krista coughed, forcing herself into a half sitting, half leaning-on-the-bathroom-stall position.

Suddenly a sharp pain shot up Krista's left arm and she snapped her head around to stare at it.

Then she let out an earth-shattering scream.

Myra also screamed, looking at her right arm.

Upon Krista's arm was a jagged carving in her left arm with the word, "Mudblood."

Myra's arm was not a carving but a brand mark with the word, "Mudblood" as well.

Krista started to cry again. She stared in horror at the bleeding cut on her arm, disbelief and fear instantly dissolving any other emotion that dared come forth. She was scarred badly, and the scariest thing about it is that she knew that nothing could make it go away or make it disappear.

Myra could only watch as her best friend cried her eyes out. She knew Krista was in pain but didn't know how to help. She felt no pain because she couldn't feel anything physical. She looked at her arm and couldn't help but laugh slightly, a hint of angry insanity in her gaze.

"You know who did it right?" Myra's voice was hers but it wasn't at the same time.

"Y-Yeah... This time, I don't doubt you," Krista sobbed.

"You know we can't tell anybody about these, right?" Krista stated more than asked. "Nobody can know. Not Rose, not Ian, not even our brothers."

"Yeah, I know. Stay here." Myra replied as she stood up and walked to the first aid kit above the towel dispenser. She walked back over to Krista, kneeling next to her. Myra set the first aid kit on the floor and opened it, taking out some peroxide and a few bandages to wrap the cuts with.

"This is gonna hurt like hell. I'm sorry in advance." Myra whispered.

She took the disinfectant and put some of it on a wadded up paper towel before pressing it as gently as possible on Krista's cuts. Krista screamed in agony as Myra flinched. Myra grabbed some gauze and wraps. Placing the gauze on Krista's cuts Myra quickly wrapped her cuts up. Krista continued to cry in pain while Myra did the exact same procedure on herself. Well, except she didn't scream like Krista did.

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