School Zone

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''We are in a lot of trouble...''

''Hey, you want to drop something from here, and see who it hits? Maybe it'll hit that goody two shoes of a friendship freak, and teachers pet Tea.'' The troublemaking alter ego albino, ''Speaking of which... I see her coming over right now~'' The other tanned trouble making alter ego added deviously holding a partially open full water bottle outside the window, with the quieter much more serious alter ego make a face and roll his amethyst eyes. ''As much as I would like to see you two cause a scene first thing in the morning... Again... You can count me out of this shenanigan.'' Yami said putting his hands on the window looking down at the brunette who was walking with a smile on her face as always, ''Oh?'' Both alter egos said looking over to their serious face spiky haired friend with a grin, ''What's wrong Pharaoh?~ Too good to cause trouble?'' Bakura asked teasingly. ''It's because he likes her~'' Marik said grinning seeing Yami roll his eyes, ''Tea. Is. With. Yugi. You. Morons.'' He said looking over to his grinning friends, ''And again... I'm not dicks like you two asses are, so you can keep me out of this, and have fun with whatever you're planning with this.'' Yami said simply averting his attention to a golden butterfly that flew past him and onto his spiky golden bangs, instantly blending in making Marik and Bakura snicker more. ''Oh? you mean this?'' The tanned alter ego said dropping the water bottle making Yami glance over with an annoyed expression in his amethyst eyes, ''Don't you two feel accomplished?'' He huffed reaching a hand over to his desk pausing for a moment, ''Where's my water bottle?'', ''That WAS your water bottle.'' Bakura said seeing the serious alter ego finally react, and the golden butterfly fly off his bangs and away. ''Are you fucking kidding me?!-!'' Yami said almost annoyed but stopped almost immediately when hearing the bottle hit someone's head, hearing an familiar annoyed male's grunt making him pale up when hearing his rival's voice, ''You just hit Seto Kaiba.... YOU JUST HIT SETO KAIBA!'' The alter ego freaked out when his smaller self walked in the classroom with Tea who looked confused at the scene with the alter egos. ''The one day he finally show ups for school too...'' Marik said with a grin, ''Just his luck~'' Bakura added in, ''I'm going to kill you! I told you to keep me out of this!'' Yami said grabbing Marik by his collar roughly pausing the moment he heard Kaiba's voice, ''So it was you? I should of known.'' Making Yami turn to see the brunette's hair and uniform wet, ''Me?! It was them! NOT me!'' Yami said pinning the appropriate blame on Marik and Bakura who just shrugged. ''You think I would waste my time to pull this shit on you!?'' Yami said but flinched when Kaiba walked over to him and grabbed him by his collar, and pulled him inches from his face, ''I don't care who's fault it was, so hear me out on this Yami... If this happens again, we're going to have a real fucking problem, got that?'' Kaiba said simply letting go of Yami and walking off with an angered expression to dry himself off before class started. Yami turned angrily to the giggling alter egos, ''Why do I always get blamed for your shit!'', ''Hey, He could of told us about it, but he bothered you about it instead  so... Who cares.'' Bakura said with a shrug, ''Right, so looks like Kaiba is going to be on your ass not ours.'' Marik added seeing the serious alter ego snap till his smaller self held him back, ''Yami please! Let it go!'' Yugi said desperately sighing in relief when his other self calmed down but pulled away angrily and sit at his desk. ''Yami...'', "Yugi, you talk to Kaiba better than I do... Tell him to l'll be the one having problems with him, if he doesn't stop trying to pick fights with me every chance he finds.'' Yami said annoyed making Yugi look over to Marik and Bakura, than over to Tea sighing, ''Yeah... Of course...'', ''Yug... Yami was saying the truth... It wasn't him...'' Joey said when Yugi sat down, ''I know... I know him well... And I know it wasn't him...''. ''Oh come on, don't tell me you're still mad from the morning Pharaoh?'' Marik asked when seeing the serious alter ego walk by them with a piece of pastry in his hand, biting into it not saying a word to them during their lunch time, ''He is, Oh come on, we were only playing around. No hard feelings now right?'' Bakura said till his own smaller alter ego cut him off so they could get lunch, with Marik's alter ego doing the same. ''Are you alright Yami?'' Yugi asked with a worried expression looking up to his taller self, ''I'm just peachy Yugi.'' Yami said simply hinting Yugi he was still angry about the incident with Kaiba, ''If it does anything... I told Kaiba what you told me to tell him... Though... he kind of ignored me...'', ''I'm not surprised.'' Yami said annoyed, ''At least he won't bother me.'' He said getting serious again when Tea and the others came towards them. ''Pharaoh, are you doing well?'' Tea asked seeing Yami keep his serious expression, ''Yeah... It's just a bad morning that's all.'' He said simply, ''By the way, do any of you know what's for PE today?'' Yami asked finishing his sweet pastry up, ''Laps...'' Joey replied seeing Yami pause on his last bite at what he said, ''Laps?...'', ''Yeah, it's Thursday.'' Tristan added, ''You hate laps we know, we all do.'' Yugi said with a sigh. ''Hey...'' A voice said making Yami look up to see the much nicer quieter hosts, ''Ah, Bakura... Marik.'', ''We wanted to apologize for those two getting you in trouble again.'' Both Marik and Bakura said, ''No... There's no need to apologize for those two, It's my fault for still hanging around with them.'' Yami said simply, ''But still... It makes us feel bad.'' Both said seeing the alter ego shake his head, ''No' It's fine really.'' Yami said with a small smile, ''I heard Marik and Bakura got you in trouble again.'' Duke Devlin said to the serious alter ego who just made a face, during their last class of the day PE, ''Yeah, with Kaiba.'', Speaking of which. He's been bugging you a lot more recently...'' The good looking male pointed out, ''That's true, but what's your point?'' Yami asked, ''Point is, isn't that weird for you?'', ''I think nothing of it.'' Yami huffed, "Kaiba is Kaiba, plain and simple. ''You really think nothing of it?...'', ''Of course.'' The alter ego said simply making Duke raise a brow at his friend's indifferent attitude glancing from the corner of his eye to see Kaiba glance over to them, but glance away the moment Duke's eyes met his, ''Hmm... I wonder... I mean... That's the ONLY explanation as to why Seto Kaiba is bothering the pharaoh so much...'' Duke thought before rolling his eyes with a groan once their teacher showed up, and ordered them to get ready to run their laps.

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