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"Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me."
"Yugi Mutou?''


"Joey Wheeler?"


"Seto Kaiba?"


"If you're here, say here properly..."

"Yami Yugi?"

"Yami Yugi?..."

"Yami Yugi!"

"Huh?... What?"

"If you're here, say here Yami Yugi." Their P.E teacher said a bit annoyed surprising the friends at how distracted Yami seemed, making Yugi turn back to his twin who made a face frustrated at himself, seeing the blue eyed male glance over to Yami confusing him since he never paid any attention to him. ''Strange...'' Yugi said with their eyes meeting that moment with the brunette rolling his cold blue eyes away from his gaze confusing him more at his odd behavior,  "...Something is off about Kaiba..." He thought before sitting forward again as the teacher finished up and spoke on about a few things. "You okay, Yami?" Yugi asked after the roll call to his twin, "I'm fine, it's just a bit hot, that's all." Yami answered with a heavy sigh massaging his neck since it ached a bit, "You can always hide under the bleachers." He suggested since Yami hid under the bleachers often when he was tired of everything. "I'll go do that right now before the teacher sees me... Come get me before class ends, okay Yugi?", "Okay." Yugi said after Yami who walked off, "I'm so tired..." The alter ego said sitting down on the floor under the bleachers where it was fresh, hearing everyone do their own thing looking at his arm, "I'm getting tanned again...".

"Kaiba's been more exhausting than usual... I wish I could give him a piece of my mind..." Yami said making a face closing his amethyst eyes heaving a sigh opening his eyes tiredly staying quiet, "At least I can catch a break from him here...", "Hey Yug, where's Yami?" Joey asked the smaller twin once the group of friends were together. "Hiding..." Yugi said with a smile since he knew his twin wanted some breathing space, "Ah, he's under the bleachers isn't he?... He needs a breather from this morning doesn't he?" Tea asked seeing Yugi nod silently with the group of friends understanding, deciding to give him his space, "We'll see him later.". As the twin took a breather Yugi never noticed Kaiba head over to where Yami was, pausing from the basketball game, "Oh... I forgot to tell Yami something..." Yugi said before handing the ball over to his group of friends about to make his way to the bleachers, but stopped to tell his friends something. The sound of footsteps didn't surprise Yami, since Yugi liked to sit with him from time to time, opening his amethyst eyes glancing over with a smile dropping it when seeing Seto Kaiba next to him, "Seriously!? What do you want now?" He asked annoyed at the sight of the silent brunette.

Kaiba's cold blue eyes sent a chill down his spine when he stared at him intensely getting him nervous, deciding to back up, "...I don't have time for this, if you want to pick a fight, you can do it another time..." He said seeing the brunette never react, making him scrunch his face bothered. "I'm too exhausted to fight with you, Kaiba." He said coldly till Kaiba finally spoke up, "You talk too much.", "Excuse me?-!" Yami said with Kaiba suddenly grabbing his arm pulling him towards him, kissing him about to react till the brunette grabbed both his wrists making him unable to pull away from him. The kiss shocked him suddenly feeling the warmth of Kaiba's tongue enter his mouth making Yami make an aroused sound that surprised him, responding back to the kiss with Yugi walking over to check on his twin, about to call out for Yami stopping when seeing the situation at a loss for words, but quickly left before he was noticed. "Hey Yug, the pharaoh doing okay?...'' Joey asked but paused when seeing his friend looked shocked making it obvious something was off, quickly seeing him smiling and laughing nervously, ''Yup, everything is fine. Just fine.'' Yugi said quickly getting back to the basketball court confusing the group but let it go, with Duke who looked to the bleachers unconvinced.

''You okay, Yami?'' Duke commented after school to the usually serious male who was now red in the face with a grumpy expression getting Joey's attention, ''Yo, you okay?'' Joey asked still receiving silence on Yami's end just seeing him nod his head before walking ahead of everyone tripping on his own foot falling face first on the floor. ''Yami, you okay!?'' Everyone asked when Yami stood up making a face feeling blood run down his cut cheek, ''I've had worse.'' Yami finally said walking again feeling a pain in his ankle making him realize he hurt his foot, ''...If someone can carry me home, that would be great...'' He said with Joey offering picking up Yami bridal style getting Yami flustered. ''You couldn't do it in a way that wasn't embarrassing?!'' Yami screamed getting Kaiba's attention when he was about to get in the car that was waiting for him, seeing the scene scrunching his face bothered when Joey grinned at Yami inches from his face purposely, ''You're too close! Put me down! I changed my mind! I can just limp home!''. ''Honestly...That was the most awful thing today...'' Yami sighed annoyed sitting on his bed in Yugi's quiet room after Yugi bandaged up his ankle and cheek, ''Was it?'' Yugi asked casually turning to his twin with a serious expression, ''W-What do you mean, Yugi?... Of course it was.'', ''Worse than Kaiba kissing you at PE under the bleachers?'' Yugi said simply making Yami look at his twin surprised.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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