the problem

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the problem

the problem with the human race is that we are playing a game we are destined to lose and people can't accept that. power will not save you, nor will it make you better. power is a dangerous thing because it's what everyone wants but doesn't need -- scratch that, we do need power, power over ourselves. people want so badly to control everything when they have yet to control themselves.

we're all so power-hungry. we want to decide things that aren't up to us and that aren't even right! how could you even for a second thing that anyone is deniable of life simply because of who/what they love or who/what they stand for -- and no, i'm not talking about people who stand for pro-violent/death/hate sort of things; i'm talking about people who stand for something harmless to you. how could you tell a person to go die because of the gender they like or the types of activities they do or the way they look or anything like that? we are all so sick sometimes with our expectations and the norms we have developed.

it's digusting, and quite frankly, so are we.



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