Chapter 12

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O: the whole school knows.

Walking into the great for breakfast, Oliver slipped his hand round Emily. Once they sat down Deputy headmistress knocked her knife on her glass until the headmaster shouted


A/n when characters raise there voices it is in CAPITAL letters

D: yes it is right there is a soul bound couple but it means they are practically built for each other and the love they safe is like no other. Also it is punished by the ministry for interfering with a soul bound couple Also if you see them appear out of nowhere. Get used it and in two years there will be a second couple.
M: Can I have Emily and Oliver Wood here as well as Charlie Weasley
C: Want do you want us for
M: Simply timetables, as Emily is failing tracking and Oliver is failing Care Of Magical creatures, I have also spoken too your teachers since you can't spend more than half an hour separated by 5 meters
E: Thank you Professor

O: Awesome since you and I get to sit next to each other

M: Oh and Your professors have been warned  about your Bond

E: and chat all the way though being Soul mates are awesome.
O: true.
E: Come on we have Potions first.

O: Sorry Professor Snape we're late professor McGonagall kept us back.
S . S: That's fine Mrs Wood Please tell me the definition of amortia
E: Amortia is said to be the strongest love potion in the world, but it doesn't create love it creates very strong attraction, is useless for soul bonds and smells like what the person loves the most.
O: Also they help bonds to find their mate, mate as in Soul mate because that is what we are.
E: Bonds you create with family and friend are soul bonds but Soul mates are made for each other and when they hug you can't tell who is who.
S . S: now in with the lesson Amortia, the ministry has requested that you learn about it and how to create an antidote for it this year instead of next. Also any Use of it on a soul mate couple will earn you a one way ticket to Askaban because you are trying to kill the bond in the people therefore the people because they share a Soul.  After the fist four steps.

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