Tim & Michael's Chat

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Michael's P.O.V.

     I took Tim into my bedroom. "So, what's wrong?" I asked sitting on my bed. He didn't say anything. "Would you like to sit next to me?" I asked patting my bed. He did what I offered.

     "What happened to Aunt Tiffany's back?" He asked. "It was so red."

     "I know, Bud, but don't worry, Aunt Tiffany will be just fine."

     "How do you know that? The way her back was, it was awful." He started crying and covering his face. I placed my arm around him.

     He really cared about his aunt. "The doctor told us she just needs to keep the bandage wrapped around her body for a week or two, and she'll be fine."

     "How does the doctor know?"

     "All doctors are taught these things. If they didn't know, they wouldn't be doctors."

     He lifted his head looking at me. "Really?"

     "Yes, Tim. Don't worry, Aunt Tiffany really will turn out just fine." I hated seeing any of my friends like that. I really hoped that talk would help him.

     "Thanks, Applehead." He said hugging me.

     "Sure thing, Bud." I said hugging him back. He broke away a couple of seconds later. "You ready to go back out there with the others?"

     "Yes, thank you for talking with me." He said walking towards the door.

     "No problem, Buddy, you know you can talk with me whenever you want." We went into the main room again where everyone else was. Tim sat right next to Tiffany on the couch, and they chatted. I was glad to see our little talk in the other room had helped him.

No one's P.O.V.

     A few months after the incident, Tiffany's back had stopped hurting. She still had to stop by with the doctor every once in a while. Tim still called up Michael on the phone, just to be sure Tiffany really was okay. As for Dave and Eric, the authorities found out from the hospital about the kidnapping. Some DNA tests had to be done though to prove that it was Dave's belt and not someone else's. Tiffany had to show up at the hospital again to give what DNA she had. The DNA tests only showed up for Dave, of course, because Eric didn't really have a whole lot to do with it. As a result Dave was placed behind bars, but there wasn't enough evidence to arrest Eric. Michael and Tiffany just kept living out their normal lives after that. Michael became more protective, but Tiffany understood that Michael was doing that out of deep care for her. She realized it was just in case another "Dave incident" ever came up again. She could never get mad at Michael for it because he loved her, and she loved him.

★Thanks so much to those of you who read and commented on this. I tried to make it more interesting than my first story, and I hope I did a good job. What do you guys think I should write about next? Do you think I should make a sequel? Comment what you think!

P.S. Happy Valentine's Day! I know it was yesterday, but I'll just say it now. Thanks for reading!★

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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