6 - Clingy

27 0 0

-Skip 2 weeks later tyvm-

Anna has logged in.

Me: Hi

Anna: Hey

Me: Can I have your phone number?

Anna: what why?

Me: Just give me it.

Anna: but I asked whyyyy

Me: I want to talk to you more. Also I'm sick of opening this app and being bombarded by ads

Anna: ok fine just wait a sex

Me: wait a sex?

Anna: nooo sec* stupid autocorrect

Me: also add me on kik too: internallycrying (a/n I wouldn't try and add it idk who that is irl)

Anna: how many people did you have to kill to get that name

Me: too many

Anna: why do you want me to add you on everything?

Me: what if this app goes down and Kik does too or what if you don't remember my phone number you have two backups

Anna: alright ok

Me: you added me on Kik see you there

Log off successful.

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